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Daily Wordlist for SBI Exam

Daily Wordlist for SBI Exam |_2.1
1. Malaise: A general feeling of discomfort, illness, or
unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify. 
Synonyms: Unhappiness, Restlessness, Uneasiness
Usage: A general air of malaise.

2. Insinuation: An unpleasant hint or suggestion of
something bad.

Synonyms: Implication, Inference, Suggestion
Usage: I’ve done nothing to deserve all your vicious
3. Annihilate: Destroy utterly.
Synonyms: Destroy, Wipe out, Obliterate
Usage: A simple bomb of this type could annihilate them all.
4. Compendium: A collection of concise but detailed
information about a particular subject, especially in a book or other
Synonyms: Collection, Compilation, Anthology
Usage: An invaluable compendium of useful information about
5. Antagonist: A person who actively opposes or is hostile
to someone or something; An adversary. 
Synonyms: Adversary, Opponent, Enemy, Foe
Usage: The woman was forcing her antagonist’s face into the
6. Consensus: A general agreement about something: an idea
or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group
Synonyms: Agreement, Harmony, Concord
Usage: There is a growing consensus that the current regime
has failed.
7. Hindsight: Understanding of a situation or event only
after it has happened or developed.
Synonyms: Looking back, Retrospect, Remembrance
Usage: In hindsight, yes, we could have done better in some
8. Delegate: Entrust (a task or responsibility) to another
person, typically one who is less senior than oneself.
Synonyms: Assign, Entrust, Give, Pass on
Usage: She must delegate duties so as to free herself for
more important tasks.
9. Holistic: Relating to or concerned with complete systems
rather than with individual parts
Synonyms: Comprehensive, Integrated, All-Inclusive
Usage: The confidence is because of our holistic plan.
10. Commemorated: Recall and show respect for (someone or
something), mark or celebrate (an event or person) by doing or producing
Synonyms: Celebrate, Pay tribute to, Pay homage to

Usage: The victory was commemorated in songs.

Daily Wordlist for SBI Exam |_3.1
Daily Wordlist for SBI Exam |_4.1

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