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Daily Wordlist

Dear Readers,

Here is the Daily Word list for you to improve your verbal as well as your written English. Now a days Level of English section has been increased in Competitive Exam and same will be continue for other upcoming Banking Exams. So learn these words and try to use them in your day to day lives, starting now down below in the comments section.

Daily Wordlist |_2.1

1.Mar (verb) : To ruin or spoil
Synonyms: Spoil, Ruin, Impair
Use: The author’s last book is so poorly written it will probably mar his legacy.

2. Livid (adjective) : Furious
Synonyms: Annoyed, Irritated
Use : The taxpayers are livid about the proposed tax hike.

3.Itinerant (adjective) : Moving around from location to location
Synonyms: Travelling, Peripatetic, Wandering
Use: Sheena’s book discusses the itinerant life she has lived as a gypsy.

4.Gravitate (verb) : To be pulled towards
Synonyms: Move, Head, Drift
Use: Because of the high salaries, many people gravitate toward the IT profession.

5.Frail (adjective) : Weak and Delicate
Synonyms: Infirm, Weak,  Feeble
Use: I offered my help to the frail old lady , who was having a hard time carrying her suitcase to her room.

6.Perturbed (adjective) : Worried or disturbed by something
Synonyms: Bothered, Uneasy 
Use : When the host at the party made the racist comments, I was perturbed and left the event quickly.

7.Coddle (verb) : To treat gently or with great care
Synonyms: Pamper, Cosset, Mollycoddle
Use: The new parents were unsure whether or not to coddle their newborn.

8.Brazen (adjective): Bold and without shame.
Synonyms: Bold, Shameless ,Presumptuous
Use: The troops were shocked by their enemy’s brazen early morning attack.

9. Verisimilitude (noun ): The appearance of being true or real.
Synonyms : Likeliness ,Similarity 
Use: The director used real soldiers in the film to give the movie artistic verisimilitude.

10.Truculent (adjective) : Quick to fight or argue
Synonyms: Defiant, Aggressive, Antagonistic
Use : Nuns are true lovers of peace and are never truculent with others.

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