Latest Banking jobs   »   IBPS SO 2015: Marketing Quiz

IBPS SO 2015: Marketing Quiz

1.ICI has subsidiaries in mare countries. ICI is
(1)an exporter
(2)a licensing company
(3)a trading company
(4)a multinational company
(5)None of these

2.Body Shop and Benetton an examples of companies which have employed _____________ as a market entry strategy.
(3)joint ventures
(5)None of these

3.Which approach to international marketing involves least risk and minimum effort?
(4)joint venturing
(5)None of these

4.Which product is MOST likely be purchased through routine decision making? 
(4)Soft drink
(5)None of these

5.Alice plans to buy a new swimsuit for her spring break cruise. She has not seen this year’s styles and will do some shop-ping around before making a purchase decision. Alice is engaging in  
(1)routine response behaviour
(2)extensive decision making
(3)limited decision making
(4)extensive response behav-iour
(5)None of these

6.Purnima has left her parents’ home and moved into a new flat. She is spending consid-erable time and effort in com-paring the ranges of furniture in different retail stores. Which type of decision-mak-ing process is she using?
(5)None of these

7.If Kwik-Fit runs an ad asking customers to check windscreen wiper blades for wear, the firm is attempting to stimulate which of the following? 
(1)Information Search
(2)Evoked set formation
(3)Evaluation of alternatives
(4)Problem recognition
(5)None of these

8.As PankajParashar runs out of shaving cream, he tries to remember what he did the last time this happened. He is engaging in:
(1)external search
(2)evoked set development
(3)internal search
(4)cognitive dissonance
(5)None of these

9.The major factors used to divide markets into consumer markets or organizational markets are the
(1)buyer characteristics and size of purchases
(2)product prices and buyer characteristics
(3)buyer characteristics and the purposes for which they buy products
(4)buyer characteristics and product characteristics
(5)None of these

10.Ram and Pankaj are caught up in the fitness craze and are looking for a health club to join. This purchase is likely to be affected by   involvement. 
(5)None of these

1. 4
2. 1
3. 2
4. 4
5. 3
6. 3
7. 4
8. 3
9. 3
10. 3

IBPS SO 2015: Marketing Quiz |_2.1

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