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Night Class: Quant Quiz

1. If x + y = 36 and xy = 288. What is the value of x^2 + y^2 ?
1) Other than given options 
2) 360 
3) 720 
4) 450 
5) 540

2. A gold chain is sold for Rs. 14630 at a loss of 23%, what is the cost price of gold chain?
1) Rs. 21000 
2) Rs. 24000 
3) Other than given options 
4) Rs. 18000 
5) Rs. 19000
3. The average of three consecutive even numbers is 30. What is the sum of the three numbers?
1) 90 
2) 180 
3) 75 
4) 45 
5) Other than given options
4. The ratio of length and breadth of a rectangle is 3 : 2 respectively. The respective ratio of its perimeter and area is 5 : 9. What is the length of the rectangle (in meters)?
1) 8 
2) 12 
3) 18 
4) 9 
5) 15
5. The average salary of 15 worker is Rs. 8600. If the salary of a supervisor is added, the average increases to Rs. 9000. What is the salary of supervisor?
1) Rs. 16000 
2) Rs. 15000 
3) Rs. 18000
4) Other than given options 
5) Rs. 21000
6. One eleventh of three–fourth of a number is 27. What is the number?
1) 369 
2) Other than given options 
3) 426 
4) 446 
5) 396
7. Six years ago, mother’s age was 20 years more than the son’s age. If the sum of their present ages is 34, what was the age of the mothers 6 years ago?
1) 21 years 
2) 28 years 
3) 34 years 
4) 36 years 
5) Other than given options
8. Prateek bought a laptop for Rs. 14800 and sold it for Rs. 20720. What is the profit percentage?
1) 35% 
2) 38% 
3) 40% 
4) Other than given options 
5) 42%
9. A 330 m-long train passes a pole in 6 sec. How long will it take to cross a railway platform 165 meters long?
1) Other than given options 
2) 9 sec 
3) 6 sec 
4) 11 sec 
5) 12 sec
10. Anil spends 75% of his income. His income is increased by 20% and he increases his expenditure by 16%. His saving is increased by what per cent?
1) Other than given options 
2) 16% 
3) 18% 
4) 32% 
5) 24%

1. 3;
(x+y)^2 = x^2 + y^2 + 2xy
x^2 + y^2 = (36)2 – 2 × 288 = 720
2. 5;
C P = 14630 × 77/100 = Rs. 19000
3. 1;
Sum of the three number = 30 × 3 = 90
4. 4;
Let the length and breadth be 3x and 2x respectively.
2(3x + 2x)/(3x * 2x) = 5/9
10x/6x^2 = 5/9
x = 3
Length = 3 * 3 = 9m
5. 2;
Salary of supervisor = 9000 × 16 – 8600 × 15
= 1,44,000 – 1,29,000 = Rs. 15000
6. 5
Required number = 27 * 11 * 4/3 =396
7. 1;
Let the present age of mother be x years
Son’s age = 34 – x
Then, (x – 6) = 20 + 34 – x – 6
2x = 54
x = 27
Required answer = 21 years
8. 3;
Profit percentage = 5920/14800 * 100 = 40%
9. 2
Speed of train = 330/6 = 55 m/sec
Required time = (330 + 165)/55 = 9 sec
10. 4
Let income be Rs. x
Expenditure = Rs. 75/100x
Saving = Rs. 25/100x
Now, income = Rs. 120/100x
Expenditure = Rs. 75/100 * 116/100
Savingsn = 120x/100 – (75 * 116)x/10000
= (120/100 – 87/100)x
= 33/100x
Saving increased = (33x – 25x)/25x * 100 = 32%

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