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World Poetry Day 2023, Theme, History and Significance

World Poetry Day 2023

March 21 is celebrated as World Poetry Day. The day is an occasion to celebrate poetry and its importance in life. Poetry is an essential part of life and is often considered as the highest and most noble form of expressing devotion and love.  You might attach yourself to the romanticism of poetry or to the devotional aspects of poetry. This article has all the information on World Poetry Day its theme and its significance.

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World Poetry Day 2023 History

The origin of world poetry day can be traced to Paris. In 1999 the members of the United Nations first thought of honoring the role of poetry in life. World Poetry Day 2023 was first observed in October, this was before the United Nations had set a specific date for this day.

In an attempt to celebrate a diverse form of poetry with unity, and celebrated its meaning to individuals, and various forms of poetry in various languages, March 21 was officially declared World Poetry Day 2023.

World Poetry Day Theme

The theme for World Poeet Day 2023 is  “Always be a poet, even in prose.”  This famous code by Charles Baudelaire emphasizes the importance of creativity and beauty in all forms of writing, not just poetry. This is a call for better meanings and impacts that poetry can have in life.

World Poetry Day 2023 Significance

The significance of World Poetry Day is mentioned below.

  1. Raise awareness about the importance of poetry in our lives, and its ability to inspire, educate and transform us.
  2. To honor poets for their work.
  3. To celebrate the universality of poetic expression and the unifying impact that it has.
  4. To celebrate the unique ability of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the human mind.
  5. To support linguistic diversity across the world and give global recognition to diversity in poetic expression.
  6. To bring people together through poetry.

On World Poetry Day, people all around the world celebrate poetry through various events, such as poetry readings, recitations, and performances.


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When is World Poetry Day celebrated?

The world poetry day is celebrated on 21 March.