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Computer Questions for IBPS and other Bank Exams

Q1. A ______ is a collection of computers and device connected together.   
(a) Network 
(b) Protocol
(c) Memory card 
(d) CPU
(e) None of these 

Q2. To create a ______, personal computers can be connected together. 
(a) Server 
(b) Super computer 
(c) Enterprise 
(d) Network 
(e) None of these 
Q3. Servers are computers that provide resources to the other computers connected to a ______. 
(a) Network 
(b) Mainframe 
(c) Super computer 
(d) Clients 
(e) None of these 

Q4. Which of the following terms is associated with network?
(a) MS Excel
(b) Mouse 
(c) Word 
(d) Connectivity 
(e) Plotter 
Q5. If refers to a set of rules that co-ordinates the exchange of information. 
(a) Transmission mode 
(b) Protocol
(c) Half-duplex
(d) Full-duplex
(e) None of these  
Q6. ______ is a technique that is used to send more than one call over a single line.   
(a) Digital transmission 
(b) Infrared transmission 
(c) Digitising 
(d) Streaming  
(e) Multi-plexing  
Q7. In a client/server network, the user’s computer is considered as the-  
(a) Client 
(b) Website 
(c) Library 
(d) Server 
(e) Hoster 
Q8. The OSI model consists of _____ layers.   
(a) Nine 
(b) Eight 
(c) Seven 
(d) Five 
(e) Eleven 
Q9. The advantage of a LAN is-    
(a) Sharing peripherals 
(b) Backing up your data 
(c) Saving all your data 
(d) Accessing the web 
(e) Automatic printing of data 
Q10. Full form of NIC- 
(a) Network Interface Card 
(b) Network International Connection 
(c) Network Inter Connection 
(d) National Interface Card 
(e) None of these 
Q11. Network components are connected to the same cable in the _____ topology. 
(a) Star 
(b) Ring 
(c) Bus 
(d) Mesh 
(e) Mixed 
Q12. If you wish to extend the length of the network without having the signal degrade, you would use a _____.
(a) Repeater
(b) Router 
(c) Gateway 
(d) Switch 
(e) None of these 
Q13. The common name for a modulator-demodulator is-  
(a) Modem 
(b) Joiner 
(c) Networker 
(d) Connector 
(e) Demoder 
Q14. In a ring topology, the computer in possession of the _____ can transmit data. 
(a) Token 
(b) Packet 
(c) Data 
(d) Access method 
(e) None of these 
Q15. _____ bits are there in the Ethernet address. 
(a) 16 bits 
(b) 32 bits 
(c) 48 bits 
(d) 64 bits 
(e) None of these 

Computer Questions for IBPS and other Bank Exams |_3.1

Computer Questions for IBPS and other Bank Exams |_4.1

Computer Questions for IBPS and other Bank Exams |_5.1

Computer Questions for IBPS and other Bank Exams |_6.1

Computer Questions for IBPS and other Bank Exams |_7.1

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