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Banking Pathway: Quant Quiz

Directions (Q. 1-5): Each question below is followed by two statements A and B. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the questions. Read both the statements and give answer:
1) If the statement A alone is sufficient to answer the question but the statement B alone is not sufficient.

2) If the statement B alone is sufficient to answer the question but the statement A alone is not sufficient.

3) If both statement A and B together are needed to answer the question.

4) If either the statement A alone or statement B alone is sufficient to answer the question.

5) If the data even in both statements A and B together are not sufficient to answer the question.
1. What is the product of x and y ?
A) x = y + 24
B) 36 – 8 = x

2. What is the perimeter of the square ?
A) The measure of one of its sides is given.
B) The measure of its diagonal is given.
3. How long did the secretary’s speech last ?
A) He spoke at an average of 50 words per minute.
B) He would have spoken for 10 min extra had his speech rate been 4 words less per minute.
4. What will Niranjan’s age be 5 years from now ?
A) Niranjan’s present age is twice Sohan’s present age.
B) Sohan, who is half Niranjan’s present age, was 21 years old, 5 years ago.
5. What is the two–digit number ?
A) The product of the two digits of number is 0.
B) The difference between the two–digits of the number is 7.
6. Which of the following values of x will satisfy the inequality x^2 – x – 12 > 0 ?
1) – 3 < x < 4 
2) x > –3 or x < 4 
3) x < –3 or x > 4 
4) –4 < x < 3 
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 7-8): In each of the following questions two equations I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and give answer
1) If x < y 
2) If x <= y 
3) If x = y 
4) If x >= y 
5) If x > y
I. x^2 – 5x + 4 = 0 
II. y^2 + 13y + 12 = 0
I. x = 2.56 
II. y^2 = 2.56
9. Three cubes of metal, whose edges are 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm respectively, are melted to form a new cube. What is the surface area of the new cube?
1) 158 cm^2 
2) 216 cm^2 
3) 242 cm^2 
4) 184 cm^2 
5) None of these
10. The radius of an iron rod decreased to one–third. If its volume remains constant, the length will become?
1) 9 times 
2) 15 times 
3) 6 times 
4) 7.5 times 
5) None of these
1. 3
From statement B, x = 28
From statement A, y = x – 24 = 28 – 24 = 4
xy = 28 × 4
2. 4
Perimeter of a square can be known, if either a side or
a diagonal is known.
3. 3
Let, the secretary spoke for x min. Then from statement
Number of words = 50 x
From statement B,
Number of words spoken = (x + 10) ( 50 –4)
50 x = 46 (x + 10)
x = 460/4 = 115 min
4. 2
From statement B :
Sohan’s age 5 years ago = 21 years
Sohan’s present age = 21 + 5 = 26 years
Niranjan’s present age = 26 × 2 = 52 years
Niranjan’s age after 5 years = 52 + 5 = 57 years
5. 3
Let greater and smaller digits of the number be x and y
respectively. Then,
From statement A, xy = 0
From statement B, x – y = 7
x –y = 7
x = 7, y = 0
Two digit number is 70.
6. 3
x^2 – x – 12 > 0
x^2 – 4x + 3x – 12 > 0
(x – 4) (x + 3) > 0
x < – 3 or x > 4
7. 5
From equation I —-> x^2 – 5x + 4 = 0
(x – 4) (x – 1) = 0
x = 4 or 1
From statement II —-> y^2 + 13y + 12 = 0
(y + 12) (y + 1) = 0
y = –12 or –1
x > y
8. 4
I. x = 1.6
II. y^2 = 2.56
y = +/-√2.56
= 1.6 or –1.6
x >= y
9. 2
Volume of new cube = 33 + 43 + 53 = 216 cm^3
Each edge of the new cube = 3√216 = 6cm
and hence surface area = 6 × 62 = 216 cm^2
10. 1;
π(3x)^2 * h1 = π(x)^2 * h2
= h2 = 9h1


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