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English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -16th May

Directions (1-10): In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words or phrases have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word or phrase that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.

Q1. The new policy guidelines aim to _______ the quality of education in schools and colleges across the country.
(a) deteriorate
(b) enhance
(c) reduce
(d) undermine
(e) damage

Q2. The company’s latest product launch has received a ______ response from customers, with many expressing their satisfaction with the new features.
(a) tepid
(b) lukewarm
(c) enthusiastic
(d) indifferent
(e) unenthusiastic

Q3. The government’s decision to allow foreign investment in the retail sector has been ________ criticized by opposition parties.
(a) unanimously
(b) cautiously
(c) extensively
(d) vociferously
(e) indifferently

Q4. The growing demand for organic food has led to a _________ in the number of organic farms across the country.
(a) decrease
(b) stagnation
(c) regression
(d) decline
(e) increase

Q5. The government’s decision to ___________ the funding for public education has sparked widespread protests among teachers and students.
(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) ignore
(d) distribute
(e) enhance

Q6. _______ the heat for an interview is a part of every journalist’s life, and comes in many forms
(a) facing
(b) avoiding
(c) dodging
(d) escaping
(e) shaking

Q7. Fusion occurs when two light atoms such as hydrogen, heated to ______ temperatures, fuse into one heavier atom, releasing large amounts of energy.
(a) inferior
(b) limited
(c) calm
(d) extreme
(e) mild

Q8. Microsoft’s Bing AI chatbot received a fresh _____, and will now be able to give image and video answers, record chat history, make restaurant bookings, and more.
(a) ruin
(b) update
(c) antique
(d) retain
(e) preserve

Q9. YouTube is working on a feature that will block videos for users unless they _____ their ad blockers.
(a) assist
(b) mobilize
(c) disable
(d) benefit
(e) create

Q10. The _________ of the current National Museum had been laid by late first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in 1955.
(a) exteriority
(b) liquidation
(c) dissolution
(d) outfield
(e) foundation



S1. Ans. (b)
Sol. The most appropriate word that fits in the blank to make the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct is “enhance”. The word “enhance” means to improve or increase the quality, value, or status of something, and it fits the context of the sentence perfectly. The sentence talks about the government’s efforts to improve the quality of education in schools and colleges across the country through new policy guidelines.
Option (a) deteriorate is an incorrect option as it means to become worse in quality or value, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (c) reduce is an incorrect option as it means to make something smaller or less in quantity, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (d) undermine is an incorrect option as it means to weaken or damage something gradually or insidiously, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (e) damage is an incorrect option as it means to harm or break something, which does not fit the context of the sentence.

S2. Ans. (c)
Sol. The most appropriate word that fits in the blank to make the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct is “enthusiastic”. The word “enthusiastic” means to show a strong excitement or interest in something, and it fits the context of the sentence perfectly. The sentence talks about the positive response received from customers for the company’s latest product launch, with many expressing their satisfaction with the new features.
Option (a) tepid is an incorrect option as it means showing little enthusiasm or warmth, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (b) lukewarm is an incorrect option as it means showing only moderate enthusiasm or interest, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (d) indifferent is an incorrect option as it means having no particular interest or sympathy, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (e) unenthusiastic is an incorrect option as it means lacking enthusiasm, which does not fit the context of the sentence.

S3. Ans. (d)
Sol. The most appropriate word that fits in the blank to make the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct is “vociferously”. The word “vociferously” means to speak or act in a loud, forceful, and passionate manner, and it fits the context of the sentence perfectly. The sentence talks about the government’s decision to allow foreign investment in the retail sector, which has been strongly criticized by opposition parties.
Option (a) unanimously is an incorrect option as it means all parties or members are in agreement, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (b) cautiously is an incorrect option as it means to act carefully and avoid potential dangers or risks, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (c) extensively is an incorrect option as it means to a great extent or degree, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (e) indifferently is an incorrect option as it means to be without interest, concern, or sympathy, which does not fit the context of the sentence.

S4. Ans. (e)
Sol. The most appropriate word that fits in the blank to make the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct is “increase”. The word “increase” means to make something larger or greater in size, amount, or intensity, and it fits the context of the sentence perfectly. The sentence talks about the increase in the number of organic farms across the country due to the growing demand for organic food.
Option (a) decrease is an incorrect option as it means to make something smaller or less in size, amount, or intensity, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (b) stagnation is an incorrect option as it means a state of inactivity or no growth, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (c) regression is an incorrect option as it means a return to a former or less developed state, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (d) decline is an incorrect option as it means a gradual decrease in the quality, quantity, or importance of something, which does not fit the context of the sentence.

S5. Ans. (b)
Sol. The most appropriate word that fits in the blank to make the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct is “decrease”. The word “decrease” means to make something smaller or less in size, amount, or intensity, and it fits the context of the sentence perfectly. The sentence talks about the reduction of funding for public education, which has led to protests.
Option (a) increase is an incorrect option as it means to make something larger or greater in size, amount, or intensity, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (c) ignore is an incorrect option as it means to pay no attention to something or someone, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (d) distribute is an incorrect option as it means to give out or share something among a number of recipients, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (e) enhance is an incorrect option as it means to improve or make something better, which does not fit the context of the sentence.

S6. Ans. (a)
Sol. The most appropriate word that fits in the blank to make the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct is “facing”. The word “facing” means confronting a difficult or challenging situation directly, and it fits the context of the sentence perfectly. The sentence talks about a common experience in the life of a journalist, which is facing the heat during an interview.
Option (b) avoiding is an incorrect option as it means staying away from or trying to prevent something from happening, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (c) dodging is an incorrect option as it means avoiding or evading something, usually by moving quickly or skillfully, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (d) escaping is an incorrect option as it means getting away from something or someone, often in order to avoid harm or danger, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (e) shaking is an incorrect option as it means trembling or quivering, often due to fear, excitement, or cold weather, which does not fit the context of the sentence.

S7. Ans. (d)
Sol. The most appropriate word that fits in the blank to make the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct is “extreme”. The word “extreme” means reaching a high or the highest degree; very great, and it fits the context of the sentence perfectly. The sentence talks about the fusion that occurs when two light atoms such as hydrogen, heated to extreme temperatures, fuse into one heavier atom, releasing large amounts of energy.
Option (a) inferior is an incorrect option as it means lower in quality or value, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (b) limited is an incorrect option as it means restricted in size, amount, or extent; narrow in scope, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (c) calm is an incorrect option as it means not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions; tranquil, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (e) mild is an incorrect option as it means gentle and not easily provoked; not severe, which does not fit the context of the sentence.

S8. Ans. (b)
Sol. The most appropriate word that fits in the blank to make the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct is “update”. The word “update” means to make something more current, modern or accurate by adding new information or features to it. The sentence talks about Microsoft’s Bing AI chatbot that has received a fresh update, and will now be able to give image and video answers, record chat history, make restaurant bookings, and more.
Option (a) ruin is an incorrect option as it means to damage or destroy something completely, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (c) antique is an incorrect option as it means something old or belonging to an earlier period that is valued for its beauty, rarity, or historical significance, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (d) retain is an incorrect option as it means to keep or continue to have something, such as a memory or a possession, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (e) preserve is an incorrect option as it means to protect or maintain something in its original or existing state, which does not fit the context of the sentence.

S9. Ans. (c)
Sol. The most appropriate word that fits in the blank to make the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct is “disable”. The word “disable” means to turn off or deactivate something, and it fits the context of the sentence perfectly. The sentence talks about YouTube which is developing a feature that will prevent users from watching videos on the platform unless they turn off their ad blockers.
Option (a) assist is an incorrect option as it means to help or support someone, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (b) mobilize is an incorrect option as it means to prepare or organize people or resources for action, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (d) benefit is an incorrect option as it means to gain an advantage or benefit from something, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (e) create is an incorrect option as it means to make something new or bring something into existence, which does not fit the context of the sentence.

S10. Ans. (e)
Sol. The most appropriate word that fits in the blank to make the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct is “foundation”. The word “foundation” refers to the underlying basis or fundamental principles on which something is built or established, and it fits the context of the sentence perfectly. The sentence talks about the establishment or laying of the groundwork for the current National Museum had been laid by late first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in 1955.
Option (a) exteriority is an incorrect option as it means the quality of being external or outward, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (b) liquidation is an incorrect option as it means the process of winding up the affairs of a company, organization, or estate, by converting assets to cash, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (c) dissolution is an incorrect option as it means the act or process of dissolving or breaking up into parts, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Option (d) outfield is an incorrect option as it means the part of a baseball field beyond the infield and between the foul lines, which does not fit the context of the sentence.

English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -16th May_3.1

English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -16th May_4.1


How many sections are there in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam?

There are 4 sections in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam i.e. English Language, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning.