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English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -17th May

Directions (1-5): In each of the following questions, a word is given followed by five options. Find the word which is most similar in meaning with the given word and mark that as your answer.

(a) untangle
(b) decipher
(c) illuminate
(d) streamline
(e) muddle

(a) truce
(b) calm
(c) inferno
(d) pacification
(e) tranquility

(a) salutiferous
(b) noxious
(c) deleterious
(d) damaging
(e) sickening

(a) sporadic
(b) aberrant
(c) occasional
(d) rampant
(e) abnormal

(a) undying
(b) fugacious
(c) ceaseless
(d) perpetual
(e) dateless

Directions (6-10): In each of the following questions, a word is given followed by five options. Find the word which is most opposite in meaning with the given word and mark that as your answer.

(a) niggard
(b) profligate
(c) stinting
(d) penurious
(e) miserly

(a) delegated
(b) surrogate
(c) empathetic
(d) pretended
(e) primary

(a) attainable
(b) shifty
(c) cagey
(d) fugitive
(e) evanescent

(a) inerrant
(b) apodictic
(c) flawless
(d) erring
(e) surefire

(a) inane
(b) drab
(c) piquant
(d) jading
(e) banal


 S1. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word obfuscate means to make something unclear or difficult to understand. And from the options given below, muddle is the most suitable synonym of the word obfuscate. It means to cause confusion or make something unclear.
Untangle means to unravel or clear up something that is tangled or confused.
Decipher means to convert a coded or cryptic message into an understandable form.
Illuminate means to brighten or light up something, or to clarify or make something clear or understandable.
Streamline means to simplify or make more efficient by removing unnecessary steps or processes.

S2. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word conflagration means a large and destructive fire. And from the options given below, inferno is the most suitable synonym of the word conflagration. It means a large, intense fire that is out of control.
Truce means an agreement between opposing sides to stop fighting or arguing for a period of time.
Calm means a state of peacefulness or tranquility, without disturbance or agitation.
Pacification means the act of making someone calm or peaceful, or the process of establishing or maintaining peace.
Tranquility means a state of peacefulness or calmness, with no disturbance or agitation.

S3. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word salubrious means promoting health or well-being. And from the options given below, salutiferous is the most suitable synonym of the word salubrious. It means beneficial to health.
Noxious means harmful, toxic, or poisonous to living beings.
Deleterious means having a harmful or damaging effect.
Damaging means causing harm, injury, or destruction.
Sickening means causing or evoking a feeling of nausea, disgust, or revulsion.

S4. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word ubiquitous means being present or found everywhere. And from the options given below, rampant is the most suitable synonym of the word ubiquitous. It means widespread or prevailing to a great degree.
Sporadic means occurring at irregular intervals or scattered in occurrence.
Aberrant means departing from the normal or usual course, deviating from the standard.
Occasional means happening or occurring from time to time, not regular or constant.
Abnormal means deviating from what is considered normal, irregular or unusual.

S5. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word ephemeral means lasting for a very short time or being temporary. And from the options given below, fugacious is the most suitable synonym of the word ephemeral. It means fleeting or lasting only a short time.
Undying means never-ending, immortal, or eternal.
Ceaseless means continuous or unending without interruption.
Perpetual means never-ending or continuing indefinitely.
Dateless means without a specified date, timeless, or eternal.

S6. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word frugal means practicing economy or being careful with money and resources. And from the options given below, profligate is the most suitable antonym of the word frugal. It means recklessly extravagant or wasteful.
Niggard means someone who is stingy or excessively cautious with money.
Stinting means being sparing or holding back, often in terms of spending or giving.
Penurious means extremely poor or lacking in resources.
Miserly means characterized by a lack of generosity or unwillingness to spend money.

S7. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word vicarious means experienced or felt by imagined participation in the experience of another person. And from the options given below, primary is the most suitable antonym of the word vicarious. It means something that is first or foremost, or directly experienced or performed.
Delegated means transferred or entrusted to someone else to perform or handle.
Surrogate means acting as a substitute or replacement for someone or something else.
Empathetic means showing empathy or the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
Pretended means faked or simulated, not genuine or authentic.

S8. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word elusive means difficult to capture, achieve, or understand. And from the options given below, attainable is the most suitable antonym of the word elusive. It means achievable or within reach.
Shifty means showing deceitful or evasive behavior, not trustworthy.
Cagey means wary, cautious, or reluctant to give information.
Fugitive means a person who is fleeing or evading capture, often used metaphorically for something difficult to catch or hold onto.
Evanescent means vanishing or fading away quickly, transient or ephemeral.

S9. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word infallible means incapable of making mistakes or being wrong. And from the options given below, erring is the most suitable antonym of the word infallible. It means prone to making errors or being mistaken.
Inerrant means free from error or mistakes, incapable of being wrong.
Apodictic means clearly established or beyond dispute, certain or undeniable.
Flawless means perfect, without any imperfections or errors.
Surefire means certain to be successful or effective, reliable or foolproof.

S10. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word insipid means lacking flavor, interest, or excitement. And from the options given below, piquant is the most suitable antonym of the word insipid. It means having a strong, tangy, or stimulating flavor or quality.
Inane means silly, senseless, or lacking significance or importance.
Drab means dull, lacking brightness or interest, often referring to color or appearance.
Jading means becoming weary or worn-out, losing interest or enthusiasm.
Banal means commonplace, unoriginal, lacking freshness or originality.

English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -17th May_3.1

English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -17th May_4.1


How many sections are there in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam?

There are 4 sections in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam i.e. English Language, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning.