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English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -29th May

Directions (1-10): There are two different sentences with a blank space in each question. Choose the word from the given options which fits into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.

Q1. (I) The company offered a generous compensation package to ________ the disgruntled employees and address their concerns.
(II) The teacher used a calm tone of voice to _______ the frustrated students during the exam.
(a) infuriate
(b) enflame
(c) placate
(d) exasperate
(e) pique

Q2. (I) The artist’s unconventional painting style sought to _______ traditional artistic norms.
(II) The hacker attempted to _______ the security measures of the company’s computer network.
(a) subvert
(b) dignify
(c) exalt
(d) ameliorate
(e) ennoble

Q3. (I) The map displayed the ________ of the terrain, providing valuable information for hikers and mountaineers.
(II) The artist meticulously painted the intricate _________ of the human face, capturing every detail.
(a) uncoiled
(b) expound
(c) crooked
(d) erect
(e) contours

Q4. (I) The young artist showcased an ________ and provocative art exhibition that challenged societal norms.
(II) The politician’s ________ proposal aimed to implement radical changes in the country’s economic policies.
(a) cautious
(b) audacious
(c) meek
(d) timid
(e) cowardly

Q5. (I) The government ________ emergency relief teams to assist the affected areas after the natural disaster.
(II) The military ________ troops to the border in response to the escalating conflict.
(a) withhold
(b) conclude
(c) hide
(d) deployed
(e) conceal

Q6. (I) After several disappointments, she developed a _______ outlook on relationships, doubting the sincerity of others.
(II) The journalist’s _______ article criticized the government’s actions, questioning their true intentions.
(a) cynical
(b) hopeful
(c) optimistic
(d) trusting
(e) undoubting

Q7. (I) The newspaper’s editorial section often featured _______ opinions, reflecting a conservative viewpoint.
(II) The wedding ceremony followed a ______ tradition, with the couple exchanging vows in a traditional manner.
(a) frivolous
(b) indecorous
(c) staid
(d) sporting
(e) willing

Q8. (I) The novel addressed sensitive subjects that were once considered _______, shedding light on important social issues.
(II) Sharing explicit content in public spaces is seen as a violation of social _______.
(a) tolerance
(b) endorsement
(c) imprimatur
(d) compliance
(e) taboos

Q9. (I) The journalist was _______ by an angry protester demanding answers to tough questions.
(II) The celebrity couldn’t go out without being _______ by fans seeking autographs and selfies.
(a) shunned
(b) accosted
(c) eschewed
(d) dodged
(e) funked

Q10. (I) The exotic scent of the flowers _______ the bees to the garden.
(II) The promise of a luxurious vacation package in a tropical paradise ______ many tourists to book their trips.
(a) warned
(b) repulsed
(c) alerted
(d) lured
(e) warded (off)


S1. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word that fits into both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences is “placate”. Placate means to appease or pacify, especially by concessions or conciliatory gestures. In the first sentence, “placate” means to appease, satisfy, or pacify someone, particularly by taking action to address their grievances. In this context, the company is trying to calm down the employees and make them feel more satisfied and valued by providing a generous compensation package.
In the second sentence, “placate” means to calm or soothe the students, making them feel less frustrated or agitated. By using a calm tone, the teacher aims to reassure the students and create a more relaxed and focused environment during the exam.
Infuriate: to make someone extremely angry or furious
Enflame: to intensify or increase the intensity of something, typically emotions or conflicts
Exasperate: to irritate or provoke someone to a point of frustration or annoyance
Pique: to arouse or stimulate someone’s interest, curiosity, or resentment

S2. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word that fits into both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences is “subvert”. Subvert means undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution).
In the first sentence, “subvert” means to undermine, challenge, or disrupt established norms or expectations. In this context, the artist deliberately deviates from the traditional artistic norms to bring about a new and different perspective.
In the second sentence, “subvert” means to undermine or bypass the security measures in order to gain unauthorized access or control over the network. The hacker’s intention is to undermine the system’s integrity and exploit its vulnerabilities.
Dignify: to honor, elevate, or give importance or respect to something or someone
Exalt: to praise, glorify, or raise to a higher status or position
Ameliorate: to improve or make something better, usually by mitigating a problem or difficulty
Ennoble: to uplift, inspire, or elevate someone or something to a higher moral or intellectual level

S3. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word that fits into both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences is “contours”. Contours means an outline representing or bounding the shape or form of something.
In the first sentence, “contours” refers to the lines or curves on the map that represent the elevations and shapes of the terrain. It helps hikers and mountaineers to understand the topography and plan their routes accordingly.
In the second sentence, “contours” refers to the outlines or shapes that define the features of the face. By painting the intricate contours, the artist pays close attention to the curves, lines, and details of the face to create a realistic representation.
Uncoiled: to unwind or straighten something that was coiled or twisted
Expound: to explain or present in detail, typically a concept, idea, or theory
Crooked: not straight or aligned properly, bent or twisted
Erect: upright or vertical in position

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word that fits into both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences is “audacious”. Audacious means showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks or showing an impudent lack of respect.
In the first sentence, “audacious” describes the artist’s exhibition as bold, daring, and unafraid to challenge established societal norms. The artist is taking risks and pushing boundaries with their provocative art.
In the second sentence, “audacious” describes the politician’s proposal as bold, ambitious, and daring. The proposal suggests implementing radical changes, indicating a willingness to take risks and challenge the status quo.
Cautious: careful, taking heed of potential risks or consequences
Meek: timid or submissive, lacking assertiveness or confidence
Timid: shy or lacking in confidence, not showing boldness or courage
Cowardly: lacking courage or bravery, showing fear or timidity

S5. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word that fits into both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences is “deployed”. Deployed means move (troops or equipment) into position for military action or bring into effective action.
In the first sentence, “deployed” means to strategically organize and send out the relief teams to provide assistance and support to the affected areas. It implies the action of utilizing and positioning resources effectively.
In the second sentence, “deployed” means to strategically position and send troops to the border as a response to the escalating conflict. It suggests the action of organizing and utilizing military personnel for a specific purpose.
Withhold: to keep back, hold back, or refuse to give or provide
Conclude: to bring to an end, reach a decision, or arrive at a final judgment
Hide: to conceal or keep something out of sight or secret
Conceal: to hide, cover, or keep something secret or out of sight

S6. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word that fits into both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences is “cynical”. Cynical means concerned only with one’s own interests and typically disregarding accepted standards in order to achieve them.
In the first sentence, “cynical” describes the outlook as skeptical, distrustful, or pessimistic. It implies that the person has become jaded or has lost faith in the sincerity of others due to past disappointments.
In the second sentence, “cynical” describes the article as skeptical, distrustful, or critical. It suggests that the journalist is doubting the sincerity or honesty of the government’s actions and motivations.
Hopeful: having optimism or positive expectations
Optimistic: having a positive or favorable outlook
Trusting: having confidence or faith in others
Undoubting: without doubt or skepticism

S7. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word that fits into both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences is “staid”. Staid means sedate, respectable, and unadventurous.
In the first sentence, “staid” describes the opinions as conventional, traditional, or conservative. It suggests that the editorial section presents viewpoints that are serious, established, and in line with traditional values.
In the second sentence “staid” describes the tradition as conventional, established, and serious. It implies that the wedding ceremony adheres to long-standing customs and practices, without incorporating modern or unconventional elements.
Frivolous: lacking seriousness or importance, characterized by a lack of purpose or value
Indecorous: lacking proper behavior or etiquette, not in accordance with accepted standards
Sporting: relating to sports or athletic activities
Willing: ready, inclined, or eager to do something

S8. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word that fits into both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences is “taboos”. Taboo means a social or religious custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing.
In the first sentence, “taboos” refers to societal or cultural restrictions or prohibitions on certain subjects. The sentence suggests that the novel discussed topics that were once considered inappropriate or forbidden, aiming to bring attention to significant social issues.
In the second sentence, “taboos” refers to the societal restrictions or norms regarding sharing explicit content in public. It implies that such an act is considered inappropriate or forbidden due to cultural or social expectations.
Tolerance: acceptance or openness towards different beliefs, opinions, or behaviors
Endorsement: approval or support of something
Imprimatur: an official approval or authorization
Compliance: adherence to rules, regulations, or instructions

S9. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word that fits into both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences is “accosted”. Accosted means approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively.
In the first sentence, “accosted” means being approached or confronted aggressively or forcefully. It implies that the angry protester confronted the journalist in a confrontational or demanding manner, seeking answers to tough questions.
In the second sentence, “accosted” means being approached or approached persistently, often in an intrusive or demanding way. It suggests that fans sought the attention of the celebrity, wanting autographs or selfies.
Shunned: to deliberately avoid, ignore, or reject someone or something
Eschewed: to deliberately avoid or abstain from something
Dodged: to avoid or evade something, often by quick or agile movements
Funked: to avoid or back out of something due to fear or lack of courage

S10. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word that fits into both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences is “lured”. Lured means tempt (a person or animal) to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward.
In the first sentence, “lured” means to attract or entice. The sentence suggests that the captivating and enticing scent of the flowers was effective in drawing the bees towards the garden.
In the second sentence, “lured” means to attract or tempt. It implies that the promise of a luxurious vacation package in a tropical paradise was appealing and successful in persuading many tourists to make their travel arrangements.
Warned: to give notice or caution about a potential danger or problem
Repulsed: to cause a feeling of strong dislike or disgust
Alerted: to give a warning or signal of a potential danger or problem
warded (off): to defend against or prevent something undesirable from happening

English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -29th May |_3.1

English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -29th May |_4.1


How many sections are there in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam?

There are 4 sections in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam i.e. English Language, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning.