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Most Difficult Questions of English for IBPS/BOM Exam : Twisted Ones

Directions (1-10): Fill in the blanks choosing the word that
is most appropriate in the context of the passage.

There are some who say that they would go on long walks if only
they could get someone to (1) them. This is such a (2) statements
that, but for his inborn tact, the hearer would burst (3) a loud laugh
with the comment, “Fancy, wanting a companion for a walk!” The true walker (4)
all company. The best companion for a walk is oneself-this being a grand
opportunity for sifting and (5) life and people and coming to conclusion
(6) so many matters. Here, company is untenable. You might as well say
that you are unable to contemplate the sunset (7) you have a companion
chattering away at your side. The true walker, even if he has been with himself
for six hours, will never say, “I have been out with the greatest bore on
earth, namely myself,” for one’s mind attains such resilience while one walks
that there can be no (8) boredom. If there is any defect in the walker,
it is his in satiety. There is no limit to his desire to cover distances. He
calculates (9) himself, “six miles a day, one hundred and eighty miles a
month, over two thousand miles a year, why should I not go around the world on
foot?” There is really no limit to his zeal. He even attempts to reach the (10). 
(a) join
(b) follow
(c) accompany
(d) come
(e) separate
(a) funny
(b) ridiculous
(c) rubbish
(d) laughable
(e) serious
(a) at
(b) to
(c) in
(d) into
(e) for

(a) avoids
(b) shuns
(c) hates
(d) dislikes
(e) approves
(a) watching
(b) observing
(c) analyzing
(d) considering
(e) ignoring
(a) over
(b) on
(c) at
(d) of
(e) beyond
(a) until
(b) so far
(c) so long
(d) unless
(e) through
(a) room
(b) place
(c) scope
(d) reason
(e) capacity
(a) by
(b) within
(c) to
(d) for
(e) over
(a) with
(b) nadir
(c) horizon
(d) sky
(e) zenith

Directions (11-15): In each of the following sentences there are two blank
spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of words. Find out which pair
of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to
make the sentence grammatically correct and meaningfully complete.
Q11. Most
people are too _______________ in their own lives to _______________ much about
the agonies of others.
(a) absorbed
… care
(b) concerned
… think
(c) indulged
… eradicate
(d) involved
… eradicate
(e) entangling
… worry
Q12. Doctors
and lawyers _______________ that advertising will certainly _______________
their profession adversely.
(a) trust …
(b) believe
… affect
(c) contemplate
… boost
(d) argue …
(e) plead …
Q13. Because
the _______________ leading to cancellation of flight were murky, the Minister
appointed a Commission to _______________ and report the matter.
(a) staff
members … undertake
(b) decision
… decide
(c) facts …
(d) events …
(e) circumstances
… investigate
Q14. Several
plots _______________ _______________ in various televisions episodes.
(a) Screen …
(b) Televised
… consequently
(c) Occur …
(d) Exhibit
… frequently
(e) Demonstrate
… violently
Q15. By
_______________ of their athletic activities, a few sportsmen are able to
escape the pressures that living in _______________ can create.
(a) knowledge
… affluence
(b) way …
(c) order …
(d) virtue …
(e) contrast
… adversity
S1. Ans.(c) 
Sol. ‘accompany’ is correct word that
fits in the context of the sentence correctly. In the given sentence author is
talking about walking and someone accompanying the walker.

S2. Ans.(b) 
Sol. ‘ridiculous’ is correct word that
fits in the context of the sentence correctly. The idea of having a company is
ridiculous because true walker prefers to be enjoy alone.

S3. Ans.(d) 
Sol. ‘burst into a laugh’ is correct phrase. Hence preposition ‘into’ fits into
the context correctly.  

S4. Ans.(b) 
Sol. shun- persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through
antipathy or caution. Here, ‘shun’ is correct because a true walker avoids all
the company and ‘shun’ is strong word that explains the meaning better.

S5. Ans.(c) 
Sol. ‘analyzing’ is correct word. While
walking, a person thinks and analyze the life.

S6. Ans.(a) 
Sol. ‘over’ is correct preposition that fits in the context correctly.

S7. Ans.(c) 
Sol. ‘so long’ is correct. It is used in the contradictory sense. You cannot
enjoy a sunset as long as you have a person next to you talking all the time.

S8. Ans.(d) 
Sol. there can be no “reason for”
boredom. Here ‘reason for’ is correct.

S9. Ans.(b) 
Sol. Preposition ‘within’ is correct.  

S10. Ans.(c) 
Sol.  horizon- the line at which the
earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet.

S11. Ans.(a) 
Sol.  absorbed and
care fit in the context of the sentence correctly. People are too much involved
in their lives that they simply do not care for others.  

S12. Ans.(b) 
Sol.  Believe and
affect fit in the context of the sentence correctly. ‘affect’ is a verb and
used correctly. Doctors and lawyers “believe” that..!

S13. Ans.(e) 
Sol.  Circumstances
and investigate fit in the context of the sentence correctly. 
circumstance- A particular incident or occurrence.

the action of investigating something or someone; formal or systematic
examination or research.
S14. Ans.(c) 
Sol.  Occur and
repeatedly fit in the context correctly. 
Many stories are repeated in different ways. Hence ‘occur’ is correct
and so is ‘repeatedly’.

S15. Ans.(d) 
Sol.  virtue-behaviour showing high moral
standards. Because of integrity some people escape the bad times. ‘poverty’ is
correctly used.

    Most Difficult Questions of English for IBPS/BOM Exam : Twisted Ones |_3.1

Most Difficult Questions of English for IBPS/BOM Exam : Twisted Ones |_4.1
Most Difficult Questions of English for IBPS/BOM Exam : Twisted Ones |_5.1
Most Difficult Questions of English for IBPS/BOM Exam : Twisted Ones |_6.1
Most Difficult Questions of English for IBPS/BOM Exam : Twisted Ones |_7.1

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