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Most Difficult Questions of English for IBPS PO mains Exam

(1-15): Read the following passage carefully and answer these questions.
Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while
answering some of the questions.

Rural India
face serious shortages – power, water, health facilities, roads, etc. – these
are known and recognized. However, the role of technology in solving these and
other problems is barely acknowledged and the actual availability of technology
in rural areas is marginal. The backbone of the rural economy is agriculture;
which also provides sustenance to over half the country’s population. The
“Green Revolution” of the 1970s was, in fact, powered by the scientific work in
various agricultural research institutions. Which some fault the Green
Revolution for excessive exploitation of water and land resources through
overuse of fertilizers, it did bring about a wheat surplus and prosperity in
certain pockets of the country.
In rural
India today, there is a dire inadequacy of both science (i.e. knowledge) and
technology (which derives from science and manifests itself in physical form).
The scope to apply technology to both farm and non-farm activities in rural
areas is huge, as are the potential benefits. In fact, crop yields are far
lower than what they are in demonstration farms, where science and technology
are more fully applied. Technologies that reduce power consumption of pumps are
vital; unfortunately, their use is minimal, since agricultural power is free or
largely subsidized. Similarly, there is little incentive to optimize-through
technology or otherwise-water use, especially in irrigated areas (a third of
total arable land), given employment and incomes, but at present deployment of
technology is marginal. Cold storage and cold-chains for transportation to
market is of great importance for many agricultural products-particularly,
fruits and vegetables-but are non-existent. These are clearly technologies with
an immediate return on investment, and benefits for all; the farmer, the
end-consumer, the technology provider. However, regulatory and structural
barriers are holding back investments.
Power is a
key requirement in rural areas, for agricultural as well as domestic uses.
Technology can provide reliable power at comparatively low cost in a
decentralized manner. However this needs to be upgraded and scaled in a big
way, with emphasis on renewable and non-polluting technologies. Reliable and
low cost means of transporting goods and people is an essential need for rural
areas. The bullock-cart and the tractor-trailer are present vehicles of choice.
Surely, technology can provide a better, cheaper and more efficient solution?
Information related to commodity prices, agricultural practices, weather, etc.,
are crucial for the farmer. Technology can provide these through technology
mobile phones, which is a proven technology; however the challenge to ensure
connectivity remains. Thus there is a pressing need for technology as currently
economic growth-though skewed and iniquitous-has created an economically attractive
market in rural India.
According to the author, which of the following is/are the problem/s facing
India’s rural population?
Unavailability of healthcare facilities.
(B) The
technological advancements which have been borrowed from abroad have not been
suitably adapted to the Indian scenario.
(C) Lack of
awareness about the importance of utilizing technology in the agricultural
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (C)
(c) Both (A)
& (B)
(d) Both (A)
& (C)
(e) None of
Q2. Which of
the following is not an impact of the Green Revolution?
(a) Over
utilization of water resources
Application of scientific research only in demonstration farms
(c) Wealth
creation restricted to certain areas
(d) Damage
caused to land by inordinate use to fertilizers
(e) Supply
of wheat surpassed demand
Q3. Why is
there no motivation to reduce power consumption?
(a) Freely
available renewable sources of energy
Government will have to subsidize the cost technology required to reduce power
(c) Power distribution
has been decentralized.
(d) The cost
of implementing power saving technology is exorbitant for the customer.
(e) None of
Q4. What
effect will the implementation of post harvest technologies such as cold
storages have?
Regulatory procedures will have to be more stringent.
(b) Prices
of commodities like fruits and vegetables will fall since there is no wastage
from spoilage.
(c) Incomes
of rural population will fall.
Pollution of the environment.
(e) None of
Q5. The
author’s main objective in writing the passage is to
(a) censure
scientists for not undertaking research
criticize farmers for not utilizing experimental, low cost post harvesting
(c) exhort
the government to subsidise the cost of utilizing technology
(d) promote
a second green revolution
(e) advocate
broadening the scope of research and use of technology in agriculture.
Q6. Which of
the following is not true in the context of the passage?
(A) In
recent times the benefits of science and technology have not been felt in
(B) The
current means of rural transportation are ideal i.e. low cost and
Agriculture provides livelihood to over 50 percent of the Indian population.
(a) Both (A)
& (B)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (C)
(d) Both (A)
& (C)
(e) None of
Q7. What has
hampered investment in post harvest technologies?
(a) Cost of
implementing such technology is higher than the returns
(b) No
tangible benefits to technology suppliers
Obstacles from statutory authorities
(d) Rapid
economic growth has drawn investors away from agriculture to more commercially
viable sectors.
(e) None of
Q8. What is
the role of mobile technology in the rural economy?
(A) It will
not play a large role since the technology is largely untested.
(B) It
provides opportunities for farmers to manipulate commodity prices.
(C) It will
largely be beneficial since such technology is cheap.
(a) Both (A)
& (C)
(b) Only (A)
(c) Both (B)
& (C)
(d) Only (B)
(e) None of
Q9. Which of
the following is currently not a threat to the rural economy?
Inadequate rural infrastructure such as roads.
Excessive utilisation of technology.
Fluctuating power supply.
(a) Only (C)
(b) Only (A)
(c) Both (B)
& (C)
(d) Only (B)
(e) None of
Q10. Which
of the following is TRUE in the context of the passage?
(A) About 33
percent of arable land in India is irrigated.
(B) There is
hardly any motivation to utilize technology to optimize water usage among
(C) Climatic
information can easily be made available to farmers.
(a) All (A),
(B) & (C)
(b) Both (A)
& (B)
(c) Only (A)
(d) Both (B)
& (C)
(e) None of
(11-13): Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word
printed in bold as used in the passage.
Q11. Marginal
(a) Austere
(b) Severe
(d) Adverse
Q12. Fault
(a) Defect
(b) Offend
(d) Blame
(e) Sin
Q13. Dire
(b) Alarming
(c) Futile
(14-15): Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word printed
in bold as sued in the passage.
(a) Unlikely
(c) Unable
(e) Inherent
(a) Immoral
(b) Godly
(c) Virtuous
(d) Right
(e) Just
S1. Ans.(a) 
Sol. Only (A)

S2. Ans.(b) 
Sol. Application of scientific
research only in demonstration farms

S3. Ans.(a) 
Sol. Freely available renewable
sources of energy

S4. Ans.(e) 
Sol. None of these

S5. Ans.(e) 
Sol. advocate broadening the scope of
research and use of technology in agriculture.

S6. Ans.(b) 
Sol. Only (B)

S7. Ans.(c) 
Sol. Obstacles from statutory

S8. Ans.(e) 
Sol. None of these

S9. Ans.(d) 
Sol. Only (B)

S10. Ans.(e) 
Sol.  None of

S11. Ans.(e) 
Sol.  Marginal-minor and not important;
not central.

S12. Ans.(d) 
Sol.  fault-responsibility for an
accident or misfortune.

S13. Ans.(b) 
Sol.  dire-extremely serious or urgent.

S14. Ans.(d) 
Sol.  Potential-having or showing the
capacity to develop into something in the future.

S15. Ans.(c) 
Sol.  Iniquitous-grossly unfair and
morally wrong.

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