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Reasoning Quiz For Bank Foundation 2024 -10th January

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions give below.
Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F, and G purchased different cars i.e., U, V, W, X, Y, S, and Z in seven different months from January to July (not necessarily in same order). Also, they all like different fruits i.e., Mango, Muskmelon, Orange, Kiwi, Pomegranate, Guava, and Cherry (not necessarily in same order).
E did not purchase a car in March and July. Car Z was purchased in a month which has 30 days. B purchased a car in June. Either D or E likes guava. C purchased car W in February. A likes mango and F purchased car Y. F doesn’t like muskmelon and kiwi. The one who likes pomegranate purchased car V. B did not purchase car U. The one who purchased car W doesn’t like muskmelon and car S was purchased in May. A purchased a car in a month which has 31 days. Cars V and Y were purchased in the months which have 31 days. Either B or A purchased car Z. G likes orange and purchased car X. D purchased car just after G. The one who likes mango did not purchase car S. E did not purchase car S.

Q1. Who among the following friend likes Pomegranate?
(a) C
(b) B
(c) A
(d) E
(e) None of these

Q2. Who among the following friends purchased a car in March?
(a) A
(b) C
(c) F
(d) Either (a) or (c)
(e) None of these

Q3. Which of the following combination is not true according to the given arrangement?
(a) W- Kiwi
(b) V- January
(c) X- April
(d) Y- Cherry
(e) S- Kiwi

Q4. The one who likes cherry, purchased a car in which of the following month?
(a) July
(b) June
(c) February
(d) Either (a) or (e)
(e) March

Q5. Car V purchased in which of the following month?
(a) January
(b) July
(c) April
(d) None of these
(e) May


Reasoning Quiz For Bank Foundation 2024 -10th January |_3.1


Reasoning Quiz For Bank Foundation 2024 -10th January |_5.1

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