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Phrasal Verbs Study Notes-III For SBI PO and NIACL 2017

 Phrasal Verbs Study Notes-III For SBI PO and NIACL 2017 |_2.1

Dear Students, As we all know that the most challenging exam, SBI PO exam, is Scheduled in the last week of April month. You have hardly two weeks left for the exam to commence. English section is the trickiest among them all. Today, onward we will be publishing Rules and Exam strategy to tackle the English section with ease and poise. Today, in the post we have compiled 50 most frequently used “Phrasal Verbs”. Phrasal verb is a verb combined with a preposition or adverb or both. These phrasal verbs are Versatile in nature. They can play multiple roles in a sentence. And also, can be asked in the exam questions in many ways. For ex- In Reading Comprehension, sentence improvements, cloze tests, sentence corrections, fill in the blanks,  phrasal connectors etc. there might be even more applications of phrasal verbs in Competitive exam English section.

So, we advise you to read, memorize and learn all the important phrasal verbs. We will keep publishing such notes every day. Stay tuned for More. We wish good luck and success in the exams. We have provided the notes on Phrasal verbs numbered 1-50 and 51-100 in previous posts, today we will continue from 101-150.

101. go out with
(inseparable): have a date with.
Example 1→ “You went out with
Sharon last night, didn’t you?”

102. go with
(1. no object): look pleasing together. (
Note: for clothes, furniture,
Example 1→ “You should buy that shirt.
It will go well with your dark brown suit.”
103. go with
(2. no object): date regularly and steadily.
Example 1→ “Is Gina going with
Jim? I see them together all the time.”
104. goof off
(no object): be lazy; do nothing in particular.
Example 1→ A: “Do you have any special
plans for your vacation?”
B: “No. I’m just
going to stay home and goof off.”
105. grow up
(1. no object): spend the years between being a child and being an adult.
Example 1→ “Did you know that Frank grew
in Malaysia?”
106. grow up
(2. no object): behave responsibly; behave as an adult, not a child.
Example 1→ A: “Lee really irritates me
sometimes. He’s really silly and childish.”
B: “I agree. I wish
he would grow up.”
107. hand in
(separable): submit homework, an assignment, etc.
Example 1→ “You’d better get started on
your report. You know that you have to hand it in at 8:30
tomorrow morning!”
108. hand out
(separable): distribute.
Example 1→ “Why don’t you have a course
description and list of assignments? The teacher handed them out on the
first day of class.”
109. hang up
(no object): end a phone conversation by replacing the receiver.
Example 1→ “I’d like to talk longer, but
I’d better hang up. My sister needs to make a call.”
110. have to do
(inseparable): be about.
Example 1→ “This class has to do with
the behavior of people in groups.”
111. hold up
(1. separable): raise; lift to a higher-than-normal position.
Example 1→ “The winner of the race
proudly held his trophy up for all to see.”
112. hold up
(2. separable): delay.
Example 1→ “I’m sorry I’m late. There
was an accident on the freeway and traffic held me up.”
113. hold up
(3. separable): rob; threaten someone with harm unless he/she gives his/her money or other valuable things.
Example 1→ “Sarah is very upset. When
she was walking home last night, two men held her up and took her
purse and jewelry.”
114. iron out
(separable): mutually reach an agreement; mutually resolve difficulties.
Example 1→ “Yes, I know we disagree on lots of
things, Susan, but we can iron them out.”
115. jack up
(1. separable): raise/lift by using a jack.
Example 1→ “We’ll have to jack the
back of the car up before we can change the tyre.”
116. jack up
(2. separable): raise (used for prices).
Example 1→ “The car dealer bought my old
Ford for $750 and jacked the price up to $1,500 when they sold
117. jump all
(inseparable): severely scold someone; berate someone.
Example 1→ “Arthur is really upset. His
boss jumped all over him because he’s been late for work times this
118. keep up (1. inseparable–followed by an -ing verb): continue.
Example 1→ “I’m not ready to stop yet. I
think I’ll keep up working for a while.”
119. keep on
(someone) (2. inseparable): continue to remind someone to do something until
he/she does it (even if this irritates her/him).
Example 1→ “Bill’s very forgetful.
You’ll have to keep on him or he’ll never do all the things you want him
to do.”
120. kick out
(separable): expel; force someone to leave because of his/her poor performance
or unacceptable behaviour.
Example 1→ “Jim’s club kicked him
out because he didn’t pay his dues or come to meetings.”
121. Knock out
(separable): make unconscious.
Example 1→ “The boxing match ended when
one boxer knocked the other one out.”
Example 2→ “The medicine really knocked me
. I slept for 14 hours straight!”
122. Knock oneself
(separable): work much harder than normal or than what is expected.
Example 1→ “We completed the project on
time because of Chuck. He knocked himself out to be sure we
didn’t miss the deadline.”
123. lay off
(separable): dismiss someone from a job because of lack of work or money (not
because of poor performance)
Example 1→ “I feel really sorry for
Sally’s family. Her father was laid off yesterday.”
124. leave off
(separable): forget; omit.
Example 1→ “Oh, no! When I made the list
of those who attended the meeting, I left your name out!”
125. let down
(separable): disappoint.
Example 1→ “I know I let you down
when I didn’t do what I promised. I’m really sorry.”
126. let up
(no object): become less intense or slower.
Example 1→ It’s been raining hard for a
long time. Will it ever let up?”
127. look back
(inseparable): remember; reflect on/consider something in the past.
Example 1→ “When they looked back on
their many years together, they realized that their marriage had been a very
happy one.”
128. look down
(inseparable): hold in contempt; regard as inferior.
Example 1→ “It’s not surprising that
Fred has few friends. He seems to look down on anyone who doesn’t like
the same things that he does.”
129. look
forward to
(inseparable): anticipate pleasantly; think about a pleasant
thing before it happens.
Example 1→ “I’m really looking
forward to
vacation. I can’t wait for it to begin!”
130. look in on
(inseparable): visit in order to check something’s /someone’s condition.
Example 1→ “My father just came home
from the hospital. I plan to look in on him today after I finish work.”
131. look into
(inseparable): investigate/get more details about something.
Example 1→ “Someone said there was a
meeting at 9:30 but I haven’t heard anything about it. Shall I look into
132. look like
(inseparable): resemble (in appearance).
Example 1→ “Does he look like his
father or his mother?”
133. look over
(separable): check; review.
Example 1→ “I think I may have some
typos in this report. Could you look it over?”
134. look up
(1. separable): find something in a reference work.
Example 1→ “I’m sorry, but I don’t know
what that word means. I’ll have to look it up.”
look up (2.
separable): find where someone lives or works and visit him/her.
Example 1→ “Thanks for giving me your
brother’s address. When I’m in Chicago next month, I’ll be sure to look
him up.”
135. look up to
(inseparable): respect.
Example 1→ “Everyone looks up to
Joyce because she always makes time to help others.”
136. luck out
(no object): be unexpectedly lucky.
Example 1→ “Gloria was worried because
she wasn’t prepared to give a report at the meeting, but she lucked out as
the meeting got postponed.”
137. Make fun of
(inseparable): make jokes about (usually unkindly).
Example 1→ “I agree that Bob looks
ridiculous since he shaved his head, but don’t make fun of him. You’ll
hurt his feelings.”
138. make up
(1. separable): invent / create (imaginary) information.
Example 1→ “Judy’s story is hard to
believe. I’m sure she made it up.”
139. make up
(2. separable): compensate for something missed or not done by doing extra or
equivalent work.
Example 1→ “I’m sorry I missed the test.
May I make it up?”
140. make up
(3. inseparable): re-establish a friendly relationship by admitting
Example 1→ “Jack and his girlfriend were
very angry with each other, but last night they finally made up.”
Example 2→ “Jack and his girlfriend were very
angry with each other, but last night they finally made up with each
141. make out
(separable): see / hear something well enough to understand what it means. (Note:
often negative.)
Example 1→ “Ruth’s writing is very
small. I almost need a magnify glass to make it out.”
Example 2→ “What were the last two examples
that he gave? I couldn’t make them out.”
142. make for
(1. inseparable): go to or toward.
Example 1→ “Her teen-aged children are
always hungry. As soon as they arrive home from school, they make for
the refrigerator.”
143. make for
(2. inseparable): result in; cause.
Example 1→ “Many hands make for
light work. (If many people work together, there’s less work for everyone.)”
144. mark up
(separable): increase the price (for resale).
Example 1→ “Mrs. White’s import shop is
profitable because she buys things inexpensively and then marks them up.”
145. mark down
(separable): reduce the price (as an incentive to buy).
Example 1→ “These shoes were really a
bargain! The store marked them down by 40%!”
146. mix up
(separable): cause to become confused.
Example 1→ “I didn’t complete the
assignment because I didn’t know how to do it. The directions mixed me up.”
147. nod off
(no object): fall asleep (usually unintentionally).
Example 1→ “The speech was so boring
that several people in the audience nodded off before it was finished.”
148. pan out
(no object): succeed; happen as expected (for plans). (Note: almost
always negative when in statements.)
Example 1→ “I’ll be here next week after
all. My trip to Chicago didn’t pan out.”
149. pass away
(no object): die.
Example 1→ “I was very sorry to hear
that your grandfather passed away.”
150. pass out
(1. no object): faint; lose consciousness.

Example 1→ “When Ella heard that she’d
won a million dollars, she was so shocked that she
passed out.”

Phrasal Verbs Study Notes-III For SBI PO and NIACL 2017 |_3.1


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More than 530 selections in SBI PO from CP Classroom Programs.

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