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Test of the Day for Canara Bank PO Exam 2018

Dear Aspirants,
Test of the Day for Syndicate Bank PO Exam 2018

We are providing you with the test of the day which will help you in upcoming exams like Syndicate Bank PO 2018. From this, you can practice questions with the timer that will help you to improve speed. Syndicate Bank PO is one of the biggest opportunity for you guys to grab on, set you own mark and proceed with full confidence. All the very best for your preparations and All the future exams.


Q1. Mauritius was the largest source of foreign investment in India according to a census by the Reserve Bank of India. What is the capital of Mauritius?

 Port Louis
 Port Blair

Mauritius was the largest source of foreign investment in India (21.8 per cent share at market value), followed by the US and the UK, according to a census by the Reserve Bank of India. Port Louis is the capital of Mauritius its Currency is Mauritian rupee.

Q2. The fourth edition of the India International Science Festival will be held in ____________.

 New Delhi

The fourth edition of the India International Science Festival will be held in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The decision to hold the Festival in Lucknow was taken at the first preparatory meeting for the 4th India International Science Festival (IISF).

Q3. The Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Arun Jaitley launched the National CSR Data Portal & Corporate Data Portal in _____________.


The Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Arun Jaitley launched the National CSR Data Portal & Corporate Data Portal in Delhi. This initiative is a significant step towards driving accountability and transparency for corporate India.

Q4. India has beaten which team to win the Blind Cricket World Cup 2018 for the second time after?

 Sri Lanka

India beat Pakistan by two wickets to win the Blind Cricket World Cup 2018 for the second time after a thrilling match at Sharjah Cricket Stadium, the UAE. Hosts Pakistan had set India a target of 308 runs at a loss of eight wickets in their allotted 40 overs after they were put into bat.

Q5. The Department of Posts, trading as India Post, is a government-operated postal system in India. The Department of Posts comes under-

 Ministry of Commerce and Industry
 Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue
 Ministry of Finance & the Public Service
 Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
 Ministry of Home Affairs

The Department of Posts comes under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. The Postal Service Board, the apex management body of the Department, comprises the Chairman and six Members. The six members of the Board hold portfolios of Personnel, Operations, Technology, Postal Life Insurance, Human Resources Development, Planning respectively.

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: 
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row–1 P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them are facing South. In row-2 A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
P sits third to the left of T. Neither P nor T sits at an extreme end of the line. A sits second to the right of E. Neither A nor E faces T or P. A does not sit at an extreme end. R does not face A and R does not sit at an extreme end of the line. Only one person sits between F and C. Neither F nor C faces T. C does not sit at the extreme end. Only one person sits between V and Q. F is not an immediate neighbour of B and A does not face V.

Q6. How many people sit right of V?

 No one
 None of these

Test of the Day for Canara Bank PO Exam 2018 |_3.1

Q7. V is related to B in the same way as Q is related to C. To which of the following is P related to, following the same pattern?

 None of these

Q8. Which of the following is true regarding V?

 V faces A
 T is not an immediate neighbour of V.
 C faces the one who is second to left of V
 V sits at one of the extreme ends of the line
 R sits third to the right of V

Q9. Who amongst the following sit at extreme ends of the rows?

 D, F
 V, S
 Q, S
 B, D
 None of these

Q10. Who amongst the following faces B?


Directions (11-15): What will come in place of question mark in the following number series?

Q11. 32, 36, 52, 88, 152, ?


Test of the Day for Canara Bank PO Exam 2018 |_4.1

Q12. 13, 27, 55, 97, 153, ?


Test of the Day for Canara Bank PO Exam 2018 |_5.1

Q13. 3, 4, 10, 33, 136, ?


Test of the Day for Canara Bank PO Exam 2018 |_6.1

Q14. 888, 444, 222, 111, 55.5, ?


Test of the Day for Canara Bank PO Exam 2018 |_7.1

Q15. 95, 103, 96, 104, ?


Test of the Day for Canara Bank PO Exam 2018 |_8.1

Directions (16-20): For each of the words below, a contextual usage is provided. Pick the word/phrase from the alternatives that is most the appropriate substitute in the given context and mark its number as your answer. 

Q16. Surly- the surly receptionist told us we’d have to wait outside in the rain


Option D is related to the word given.

Q17. Pique– A talented youngster who smashes his guitar in a fit of pique finds it magically reassembled just in time for a crucial concert.


Pique means a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight, especially to one’s pride, arouse (interest or curiosity),feel irritated or resentful.
C is the correct choice.

Q18. Footloose: When she was 20, she was footloose and fancy-free, with no family or serious career to tie her down.


Footloose- able to act or move freely: not held back by ties to other people

Q19. Enervate: A lifetime of working in dreary jobs had enervated his very soul


Enervate-weaken, deprive of strength, attenuate.

Q20. Quaint: The writer talks about the quaint customs of the natives.


Quaint- attractively unusual or old-fashioned.


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Test of the Day for Canara Bank PO Exam 2018 |_9.1

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