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Certified Credit Professional (CCP) Syllabus 2023

Certified Credit Professional (CCP) Syllabus 2023

Certified Credit Professional Syllabus is an essential resource for individuals preparing for the CCP Exam. Before starting the preparation for CCP Certification course, candidates need to thoroughly study the CCP Syllabus as it provides a clear understanding of the topics to be covered. The CCP course is for those interested in the finance sector and aspiring to pursue a career as credit officers. In the given post, we have discussed in detail Certified Credit Professional (CCP) Syllabus 2023.

CCP Syllabus 2023

The aim of the CCP Course is to provide training to individuals in various quasi-credit facilities such as Letters of Credit, Bank Guarantees, Co-acceptances, Buyer’s Credit, and Supplier’s Credit. The primary objective of the certification course is to develop a skilled group of credit officers within banks who can proficiently handle diverse credit functions and effectively manage credit-related issues. For candidates interested in pursuing the CCP Course, it is crucial to stay updated with the CCP Syllabus 2023 and plan their preparation accordingly. CCP Syllabus 2023 comprises five modules each of which is discussed in detail below.

CCP Syllabus 2023 Module A: Introduction and Overview of Credit

  • Principles of Lending: Safety, Liquidity, Profitability, Purpose of Loan, Diversification Risk.
  • Model Credit Policy: Importance, Contents, Exposure Norms, Model MSE Policy.
  • Types of Borrowers: Individuals – Major, Minor, Married Women, Pardhanashin Women, Illiterate Persons, Agent, Attorney, Joint Borrowers, Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), Proprietorship Firms, Partnership Firms, Limited companies, Statutory Companies, Holding Companies, Government Companies, Private and Pubic Limited Companies, Registration of charges, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP).
  • Types of Credit Facilities: Various Types of Credit Facilities – Cash Credit, Overdrafts, Demand Loan, Bills Finance – Drawee Bill Scheme, Bills Discounting.
  • Credit Delivery: Types of Facilities, Modes of Delivery, Sole Banking Arrangement, Multiple Banking Arrangement, Consortium Lending, Syndication. Credit Thrust, Credit Priorities, Credit Acquisitions, Statutory & Regulatory restrictions on Advances.
  • Credit Appraisal: Validation of proposal, Dimensions of Credit Appraisals, Six “C” s, Structuring of Loan
    documents, Credit Risk, Credit Risk Rating, Credit Worthiness of Borrower, Purpose of Loan, Source of Repayment, Cash Flow, Collateral.
  • Credit Rating: Measurement of Risk, Objective of Rating, Internal & External Rating, Model Credit Rating, Methodology of Rating, Internal & External Comparison, Model Rating Formats.

CCP Syllabus 2023 Module B: Analysis of Financial Statements

  • Analysis of Financial Statements: Balance Sheet – Definition, Balance Sheet & Banker, Classification of Assets & Liabilities, Current Assets, Fixed Assets, Non-current Assets, Fresh Casino, Intangible & Fictitious Assets, Liabilities – Current Liabilities, Medium & Term Liabilities, Capital & Reserve, Classification of Current Assets & Current Liabilities, Balance Sheet Analysis, Analysis of Profit & Loss Account, Auditor’s Note. Ratio Analysis – Classification of Ratios, Liquidity Ratios, Leverage Ratios, Activity Ratios, Profitability Ratios, Other important Ratios, Interpretation of important Financial Ratios, Uses of Ratios, Fund Flow Statements, Techniques Fund Flow and Cash Flow Statements, Illustrations.
  • Project/ Term Loan Appraisal: Technical Appraisal, Commercial/ Market Appraisal, Managerial Appraisal, Financial Appraisal, Economic Appraisal, Environmental Appraisal, Project Cost & Means of Finance, Cost of Production & Profitability, Sensitivity Analysis, Break-even Analysis, Capital Budgeting – Pay Back Period Method, Time Value Money, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Life of the Project.

CCP Syllabus 2023 Module C: Working Capital Management

  • Working Capital Assessment: Concept of Working Capital, Gross Working Capital, Net Working Capital, Working Capital Gap, Components of Working Capital, Source of Working Capital, Operating/ Working Cycle, Computation of storage/ Retention Period, Various Methods of Assessment of Working Capital, Computation of Working Capital – Turnover Method, MPBF Method, Cash Budget System, Illustrations, Impact of inadequate Working Capital, Working Capital Finance to IT. & Software Industry, Loan Delivery System, Cash Flow
    Analysis, Commercial Paper, Credit Delivery, Analysis of CMA data.
  • Quasi Credit Facilities: Advantages of Non-Fund Facilities, Various types of NFB Facilities, Various types Letter of Credits, Assessment of LC limits, Bills Purchase/ Discounting under LC.
  • Various types of Bank Guarantees: Performance Guarantee, Financial Guarantees, Deferred Payment Guarantees, Types of Performance and Financial Guarantees, Assessment of Bank Guarantees Limit, Period of Claim under Guarantee.
  • Co-acceptance Facilities: RBI Guidelines, Co-acceptance of Bills covering supply of Goods & Machinery.

CCP Syllabus 2023 Module D: Other Credits

  • Export Finance: Pre-Shipment Finance-Export Packing Credit in Rupees, Running Account Facility, Pre shipment credit to specific sectors – Sub Suppliers, Construction Contractors, Export credit to Processors/ exporters – Agri Export Zones, Export Credit Insurance Whole Turnover Packing Credit, Pre-Shipment Credit in Foreign Currency (PCFC), Running Account Facility in all currencies, Deemed Exports, Diamond Dollar Account Scheme, Post Shipment Rupee Export Finance, Purchase/ Discount of Export Bills, Negotiation of Export Bills, Export on Consignment basis, Advance against Duty Draw Back Entitlements, ECGC Whole Turnover Post-Shipment Guarantee Scheme, Interest Rate of Rupee Export Credit, ECNOS, Rupee Export Credit Interest Rate Subvention, Post-Shipment Finance in Foreign Currency, Gold Card Scheme for Exporters, Crystallization of Export Bills.
  • Priority Sector Lending/ Government Sponsored Schemes: Different Categories of Priority Sector borrowers, Agriculture (Direct & Indirect) Finance, MSME Finance. (Direct & Indirect), Micro Credit, Government Sponsored Schemes, Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY), Self-Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers (SRMS), Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana, Education Loans, Housing Finance, Weaker Sections, Export Credit, Differential Rate of Interest Scheme, Priority Sector Targets.
  • Retail Loans: Characteristic of Retail Loans, Advantages of Retail Loans, Retail Banking Vs Corporate Banking, Various Retail Banking Products, Model Retail Banking Products – Home Loans, Vehicle Loan, Personal Loan,
    Pensioner Loan Scheme, Property Loan, Holiday Loan Scheme, Gold Loan Scheme,
    Education Loan, etc., Guidelines on CERSAI registration.

CCP Syllabus 2023 Module E: Monitoring, Supervision and Follow up and Management of Impaired Assets

  • Documentation: Meaning, Importance, Types of documents, Requisites of documentation, Selection of documents, Stamping of different documents, Mode and time of Stamping, Remedy for un-stamped/ under-stamped documents, Documents of which registration is compulsory, Time limit of registration, Consequence of non-registration, Execution, Mode of Execution by different executants, Period of Limitation, Law of Limitation to Guarantor,
    Extension of period of limitation, Enforcement of documents, Death of Borrower/ Guarantor.
  • Types of Charges: Purpose, Various types of charges, Types of Security, Mode of charge, Lien, Negative Lien, Set Off, Assignment, Pledge, Right of Banker as a Pledgee, Duties as a Pledgee, Mode of Charges, Hypothecation, Mortgage – different types of mortgages, Difference between Simple and Equitable Mortgage.
  • Credit Monitoring, Supervision and Follow Up: Credit Monitoring – Meaning, Monitoring Goals, Process of Monitoring, Different Monitoring Tools, Check-list for Monitoring, monitoring by using various statements, QIS Formats/ guidelines, Supervision & Follow Up.
  • Management of Impaired Assets: Introduction, Credit Monitoring, NPA why & how? NPA Management Policy, Definition of Sick Unit, Non-Performing Assets (NPA), Income Recognition Policy, Assets Classification, Guidelines on Asset Classification, Projects under implementation, Project Loans under Infrastructure and Non-Infrastructure Sectors, Projects under Commercial Real Estate Sector, Income Recognition, take out Finance, Provisioning
    Norms for NPA, Provisioning Coverage Ratio (PCR), Options available to banks in Stressed
    Assets, Prudential Guidelines on Restructuring Eligibility criteria for restructuring, Asset Classification Norms for Restructured Assets, Mahapatra Committee Recommendations, Revised Prudential Guidelines on Restructuring of
    Advances, General Provision on Restructured Standard Accounts, Up-gradation of Restructured Accounts, Rehabilitation, Viability Period, Viability Parameters, Incentives for Quick implementation of Restructuring Package, Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) Mechanism, CDR Structure & Operations, New RBI Framework for Distressed Assets, Wilful Defaulters, Penal Measures, Compromise, Legal Action, Civil litigation, Pre and Post – filing precautions, Type of Decrees, Modes of Execution of Decree, Lok Adalats, Debt Recovery Tribunal, SARFAESI, Write Off.
  • Fair Practices: Applicability, Practices to be adopted, Loan Processing, Assessment, Disbursement, Administration, Recall/ Repayment of Loan, Grievance Redress Mechanisms.
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Where can I get the Certified Credit Professional Syllabus 2023?

Certified Credit Professional Syllabus 2023 is discussed in detail in the given post.

How many modules are there in CCP Syllabus 2023?

There are 5 modules in CCP Syllabus 2023.

Which topic is mainly focused in the Certified Credit Professional(CCP) Syllabus 2023?

The topic of Credit is mainly focused in the Certified Credit Professional(CCP) Syllabus 2023.