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English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -23rd June

Directions (1-10): There are two different sentences with a blank space in each question. Choose the word from the given options which fits into both the blanks appropriately adding a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.

Q1. (I) The ancient civilization’s ______ was a central hub of activity, where skilled craftsmen crafted tools, weapons, and armor.
(II) The blacksmith used the roaring fire in his _____ to shape the glowing metal into a magnificent sword.

(a) balk
(b) cease
(c) detain
(d) impede
(e) forge

Q2. (I) The talented actress _______ critical acclaim for her mesmerizing performance in the film.
(II) The charity event _______ immense support from the community, with people coming together to donate generously.

(a) garnered
(b) scattered
(c) dissolved
(d) forfeited
(e) dissipated

Q3. (I) The _____ architect designed iconic buildings that transformed city skylines.
(II) The ______ historian’s books were considered authoritative sources on the subject.

(a) faint
(b) modest
(c) prominent
(d) subdued
(e) unsung

Q4. (I) The parents were _____ of letting their children play near the busy street.
(II) The traveler kept a ______ eye on their belongings in the crowded railway station.

(a) remiss
(b) wary
(c) lax
(d) brash
(e) heedless

Q5. (I) In the corporate world, networking acts as a ______, connecting professionals and creating opportunities.
(II) The ____ in the machine was responsible for connecting two gears and facilitating smooth movement.

(a) employer
(b) superior
(c) gaffer
(d) cog
(e) boss

Q6. (I) The board of directors _______ the CEO after a series of financial scandals came to light.
(II) The uprising led to the president being ______ from power, marking a significant turning point in the nation’s history.

(a) ousted
(b) lodged
(c) harbored
(d) admitted
(e) received

Q7. (I) If you work hard and stay committed, you will _______ the rewards of your efforts.
(II) The farmer was excited to ______ the bountiful harvest after months of tending to the crops.

(a) sow
(b) pay
(c) yield
(d) accord
(e) reap

Q8. (I) The teacher showed an ________ approach, taking the time to understand each student’s unique challenges.
(II) The friend offered an ________shoulder to lean on, providing comfort and support during a difficult time.

(a) oppressive
(b) empathetic
(c) rancorous
(d) acrimonious
(e) spiteful

Q9. (I) The accused witch was branded a ______ and faced a trial that ultimately resulted in their execution.
(II) Galileo was considered a ______ by the Catholic Church for advocating heliocentrism, challenging the geocentric model of the universe.

(a) conformer
(b) adherent
(c) believer
(d) heretic
(e) supporter

Q10. (I) Jane’s _______ nature made her the perfect candidate for the job of quality control inspector.
(II) The chef’s _______ approach to cooking resulted in perfectly balanced flavors in every dish.

(a) fastidious
(b) permissive
(c) lenient
(d) unfussy
(e) lackadaisical


 S1. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word “forge” fits both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences. Forge means to make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and hammering it.
In the first sentence, “forge” means a workshop where metal is shaped by heating and hammering. This is a central hub of activity because it is where the skilled craftsmen make the tools, weapons, and armor that the ancient civilization needs.
In the second sentence, “forge” means to shape metal by heating and hammering. This is what the blacksmith does with the roaring fire in his forge to create a magnificent sword.
The other options do not fit both blanks appropriately.
“Balk” means to hesitate or refuse
“Cease” means to stop
“Detain” means to keep someone in custody
“Impede” means to hinder or obstruct

S2. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word “garnered” fits both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.
In the first sentence, “garnered” means to receive or collect something, especially praise or approval. This makes sense in the context of the sentence, as the talented actress received critical acclaim for her mesmerizing performance in the film.
In the second sentence, “garnered” means to gather or collect something, especially support or money. This also makes sense in the context of the sentence, as the charity event gathered immense support from the community, with people coming together to donate generously.
The other options do not fit both blanks appropriately. For example,
“Scattered” means to spread something over a wide area
“Dissolved” means to make something disappear or become absorbed into something else
“Forfeited” means to give something up or lose something
“Dissipated” means to disappear or become weaker

S3. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word “prominent” fits both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.
In the first sentence, “prominent” means well-known and important. This makes sense in the context of the sentence, as the architect designed iconic buildings that transformed city skylines.
In the second sentence, “prominent” means important and well-respected. This also makes sense in the context of the sentence, as the historian’s books were considered authoritative sources on the subject.
The other options do not fit both blanks appropriately. For example,
“Faint” means weak or barely perceptible
“Modest” means unassuming or not boastful
“Subdued” means quiet or restrained
“Unsung” means not praised or celebrated

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word “wary” means cautious or careful, which fits both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.
In the first sentence, the parents are cautious or careful about letting their children play near the busy street. This makes sense because the busy street is a dangerous place for children to play. The parents are aware of the danger and are taking steps to protect their children.
In the second sentence, the traveler is cautious or careful about keeping an eye on their belongings in the crowded railway station. This makes sense because the crowded railway station is a place where belongings are often stolen. The traveler is aware of the danger and is taking steps to protect their belongings.
The other options do not fit both blanks appropriately.
“Remiss” means negligent or careless
“Lax” means relaxed or not strict
“Brash” means bold or reckless
“Heedless” means careless or unthinking

S5. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word “cog” means a tooth on a wheel or gear, which fits both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.
In the first sentence, networking acts as a cog in the corporate world, connecting professionals and creating opportunities. This makes sense because networking is a way of connecting people and creating opportunities. It is like a cog in a machine that helps to keep the machine running smoothly.
In the second sentence, the cog in the machine was responsible for connecting two gears and facilitating smooth movement. This makes sense because a cog is a tooth on a wheel or gear that helps to connect two gears and facilitate smooth movement.
The other options do not fit both blanks appropriately.
“Employer” means a person or organization that employs people
“Superior” means a person of higher rank or status
“Gaffer” means a foreman or overseer
“Boss” means a person who is in charge of a group of people

S6. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word “ousted” means to force someone out of a position of power or authority, which fits both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.
In the first sentence, the board of directors ousted the CEO after a series of financial scandals came to light. This makes sense because the board of directors is responsible for the company and they would want to remove the CEO if they were involved in financial scandals.
In the second sentence, the uprising led to the president being ousted from power, marking a significant turning point in the nation’s history. This makes sense because the uprising was a popular movement that wanted to remove the president from power. The president’s ouster was a significant turning point in the nation’s history because it marked the end of one era and the beginning of another.
The other options do not fit both blanks appropriately.
“Lodged” means to provide someone with a place to stay
“Harbored” means to give shelter or protection to someone
“Admitted” means to allow someone to enter a place or to agree that something is true
“Received” means to get or accept something

S7. Ans. (e)
Sol. The word “reap” means to gather or harvest a crop, which fits both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.
In the first sentence, if you work hard and stay committed, you will reap the rewards of your efforts. This makes sense because if you work hard and stay committed, you will eventually achieve your goals and be rewarded for your efforts.
In the second sentence, the farmer was excited to reap the bountiful harvest after months of tending to the crops. This makes sense because the farmer has been working hard to take care of the crops and is now ready to harvest them.
The other options do not fit both blanks appropriately.
“Sow” means to plant seeds
“Pay” means to give money to someone in exchange for goods or services
“Yield” means to produce or give something
“Accord” means to give or grant something

S8. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word “empathetic” means showing an understanding of and care for another person’s feelings and experiences, which fits both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.
In the first sentence, the teacher showed an empathetic approach, taking the time to understand each student’s unique challenges. This makes sense because an empathetic teacher would be able to understand and care about each student’s individual needs and challenges.
In the second sentence, the friend offered an empathetic shoulder to lean on, providing comfort and support during a difficult time. This makes sense because an empathetic friend would be able to understand and care about the friend’s feelings and experiences, and would be able to provide comfort and support during a difficult time.
The other options do not fit both blanks appropriately.
“Oppressive” means burdensome or harsh
“Rancorous” means bitter or resentful
“Acrimonious” means angry or bitter
“Spiteful” means malicious or vindictive

S9. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word “heretic” means a person who holds an opinion that is contrary to the orthodox beliefs of their religion, which fits both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.
In the first sentence, the accused witch was branded a heretic and faced a trial that ultimately resulted in their execution. This makes sense because witches were often accused of heresy and executed by the church. In the second sentence, Galileo was considered a heretic by the Catholic Church for advocating heliocentrism, challenging the geocentric model of the universe. This makes sense because heliocentrism was considered heresy by the Catholic Church at the time.
The other options do not fit both blanks appropriately.
“Conformer” is a person who conforms to the accepted standards of behavior or thought
“Adherent” is a person who sticks to a particular belief or principle
“Believer” is a person who believes in something
“Supporter” is a person who supports something

S10. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word “Fastidious” means very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail, which fits both blanks appropriately and adds a proper and logical meaning to the sentences.
In the first sentence, Jane’s fastidious nature made her the perfect candidate for the job of quality control inspector. This makes sense because a quality control inspector needs to be very attentive to detail in order to ensure that products meet quality standards. In the second sentence, the chef’s fastidious approach to cooking resulted in perfectly balanced flavors in every dish. This makes sense because a chef needs to be very attentive to detail in order to create dishes that are perfectly balanced.
The other options do not fit both blanks appropriately.
“Permissive” means allowing or permitting something
“Lenient” means merciful or tolerant
“Unfussy” means not fussy or particular
“Lackadaisical” means lacking enthusiasm and determination

English Language Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -23rd June |_3.1

English Quizzes, for IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 26th November_80.1


How many sections are there in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam?

There are 4 sections in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam i.e. English Language, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning.