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40+ English Question for bank exams with solutions

Preparing for bank exams can be challenging, especially when it comes to mastering the English section. To help candidates ace this critical part of the exam, we’ve compiled a comprehensive set of English questions tailored for bank exams, complete with detailed solutions. This guide covers a variety of topics, including grammar, comprehension, vocabulary, and more. By practising these questions and reviewing the solutions, you’ll enhance your understanding and improve your chances of scoring high in the English section of your upcoming bank exams.

English Question for bank exams with solutions

Directions (1-5): In each of the questions given below a/an idiom/phrase is given in bold which is then followed by five options which then try to decipher its meaning. Choose the option which gives the correct meaning of the phrases.

Q1.  A hot potato

(a) an angry person

(b) a controversial group

(c) a useless person

(d) A situation that is easy to deal with

(e) A controversial situation that is awkward to deal with

Q2.  Zip your lip

(a) to be ignorant

(b) to be harsh

(c) to stop talking

(d) to remain foolish

(e) to get hurt

Q3. Fit of anger

(a) to beat someone(badly)to dead

(b) to display a very bad temper, often by screaming a lot

(c) to control the anger

(d) to cover up the damage caused

(e) to not to talk anyone because of anger

Q4.  Caught between two stools

(a) to be very fat

(b) caught between two major problems

(c) to be partial

(d) caught between two alternatives to choose

(e) to have no solution to the problem

Q5. Drastic times call for drastic measures

(a) to take extreme steps at extremely hard times

(b) to be rude when exhausted

(c) to take help of strong people

(d) to be violent when at job

(e) to kill people in the war

Directions (6-10): Each of the following questions contains a sentence with a whole or part of an idiom or a phrasal verb omitted. Choose from the corresponding options the one which most appropriately fills the blank and makes the sentence grammatically and contextually complete.

Q6. After losing his job, he had to __________ and cut back on expenses.

(a) tighten his belt

(b) loosen his grip

(c) let loose

(d) pull the plug

(e) throw caution to the wind

Q7. She tried to __________ her emotions but she couldn’t stop being sad.

(a) bottle up

(b) keep on

(c) pull off

(d) hold on to

(e) put up with

Q8. I don’t think I can __________ with his annoying habits any longer.

(a) put up with

(b) go along with

(c) make up for

(d) look out for

(e) put off

Q9. He __________ the opportunity to travel abroad and experience different cultures.

(a) jumped at

(b) took off with

(c) turned down

(d) brushed off

(e) went along with

Q10. She __________ on her previous experience to make the right decision.

(a) drew a blank

(b) drew the line

(c) drew a conclusion

(d) drew a bead on

(e) drew from

Directions (11-15): In the questions given below two sentences are given which are grammatically correct and meaningful. Connect them by the word given below the statements in the best possible way without changing the intended meaning. Choose your answer accordingly from the options which form a correct, coherent sentence.

Q11. (I) You had guided him in his tough times

(II) He would have been a success story

(a) Even though

(b) because

(c) If

(d) so

(e) even after

Q12. (I) The plane skidded off the runway.

(II) The brakes were jammed.

(a) There

(b) Here

(c) Over


(e) Under

Q13. (I) A bank account can have zero balance.

(II) The accountholder should not have any outstanding payments.

(a) provided that

(b) before

(c) after

(d) here

(e) as much as

Q14. (I) Police have said crime has fallen by 28%

(II) Britain was locked down to battle the coronavirus.

(a) as well as

(b) since

(c) finally

(d) soon

(e) next

Q15. (I) The growth of the crop looks promising this year.

(II) The number of people opting to grow it seems grim.

(a) unlike

(b) over

(c) there

(d) after

(e) although

Directions (16-20): In each of the following sentences, there is a blank space. Below each such sentence, there are four options with one word each. Fill up the blank with the word that makes the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Q16.  I did not have enough to drink because Sally left only a ………….. of soda in the bottle.

(a) abundance

(b) plenty

(c) affluence

(d) paucity

(e) absent

Q17. Some small businesses were …………. following the recession; but unfortunately, many were defeated in hard economic times and had to close shop.

(a) weaken

(b) delicate

(c) volatility

(d) elasticity

(e) resilient

Q18. Because the ground is too warm, the snow will ………… as soon as it hits the ground.

(a) deliquesce

(b) dissolved

(c) subsumed

(d) adulteration

(e) moderate

Q19. During the concert, police officers were on hand just in case the crowd became ……………

(a) obedient

(b) complaisant

(c) fractious

(d) captivity

(e) management

Q20. The overpopulation of large snakes in the forest is …………… to the wild rat population.

(a) assistance

(b) stagger

(c) turpitude

(d) deleterious

(e) infliction

Directions (21-25): Rearrange the following sentences in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph. Then answer the questions given below them.

(A) With renewed confidence, she took a deep breath and continued.

(B) The speech she had prepared for weeks suddenly felt inadequate.

(C) She stood at the podium, looking out at the sea of faces.

(D) As a result, her nerves got the better of her, and she stumbled over her words.

(E) But then she remembered the reason why she was there.

Q21. Which of the following will be the third sentence after rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Q22. Which of the following will be the last sentence after rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Q23. Which of the following will be the second sentence after rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Q24. Which of the following will be the fourth sentence after rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

Q25. Which of the following gives the correct sequence of sentences after rearrangement?






Directions (26-30): In the following questions, a sentence is divided into four parts consisting of a highlighted word in each part. Choose the option reflecting the word which is either misspelt or grammatically incorrect. If all the highlighted words are correct, choose option “all are correct” as your answer choice.

Q26. Libby was disappointed / because her husband / did not fulfill his promise / of watering the plants.

(a) Disappointed

(b) Because

(c) Fulfill

(d) Watering

(e) All are correct

Q27. The innovations spured by digital breakthroughs / are starting to revolutionize the availability / of financial services, which is sorely needed, / with 1.7 billion worldwide unbanked.

(a) Spured

(b) Revolutionize

(c) Sorely

(d) Unbanked

(e) All are correct

Q28. According to the label, / this solution should accelrate /my hair growth and provide me / with long tresses in a short time.

(a) According

(b) Accelrate

(c) Provide

(d) Tresses

(e) All are correct

Q29. In a troubled economy / like this one, a recession is unevitable / and expected within the / next three months.

(a) Troubled

(b) Unevitable

(c) Expected

(d) Months

(e) All are correct

Q30. Although I tried not to hold a grudge, / I felt perverse joy / when I learned my mean/ supervisor had been fired.

(a) Grudge

(b) Perverse

(c) Learned

(d) Supervisor

(e) All are correct

Directions (31-35): In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below the sentences, there are five options with a pair of words each. Fill up the sentences with the pair of words that make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Q31.  A Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court …………….. finally concluded hearing a crucial appeal (after being nine years in cold storage) ……………… the Right to Information Act (RTI), 2005.

(a) is, above

(b) has, under

(c) was, inside

(d) have, within

(e) were, under

Q32.  Since the Sputnik was …………….. in 1957, more than 8,000 satellites/manmade orbiting objects have been launched, ……… which about 5,000 remain in orbit; more than half are non-functional.

(a) designed, off

(b) launch, on

(c) engulfed, among

(d) launched, of

(e) embraced, off

Q33. Growing amounts of space debris ………… a real risk to satellites and spacecraft, as the Oscar-winning film ‘Gravity’ …………………..

(a) pose, demonstrated

(b) possessing, denoted

(c) posed, demonstrating

(d) posses, appears

(e) impact, show

Q34. At present, the U.S. has a ……………… presence in space, which reflects its technological …………….. as well its dependence on space-based assets.

(a) dominance, leading

(b) dominate, ruling

(c) prevail, yield

(d) dominant, lead

(e) prevailing, lead

Q35. In 2008, Russia and China had ……………… a draft to kick off negotiations on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space and of the Threat or Use of Force …………….. Outer Space Objects.

(a) implemented, in

(b) submit, among

(c) urged, that

(d) proposed, against

(e) preferred, beside

Directions (36-40): Each question below has one blank, which is indicating that something has been omitted. Find out which word from the options can be used to fill up the blank to make it meaningfully complete.

Q36. The world economy had _____________since globalization began in 1980

(a) annexed

(b) sprawled

(c) ignite

(d) thrived

(e) realized

Q37. The disinvestment process is ____________for now as there is no bidder in the fray.

(a) prevent

(b) stalled

(c) initiated

(d) proposed

(e) clasped

Q38. Monetary policy actions are aiming at lowering inflation and ____________inflation expectations.

(a) squandering

(b) slandering

(c) anchoring

(d) replenish

(e) grabbing

Q39. The injured soldiers were taken to a hospital in Russia-controlled ___________in eastern Ukraine.

(a) fierce

(b) residence

(c) inhabitant

(d) native

(e) territory

Q40. Policy makers are working to define the rules of _______________between children and the digital world.

(a) engagement

(b) delegation

(c) squabble

(d) instigation

(e) hegemony

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
e c b d a a a a a e
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 20
c d a b e d e a c d
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
d a b e d e a b b e
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
b d a d d d b c e a



What topics are covered in the English section of bank exams?

The English section typically includes topics such as reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, error detection, sentence correction, fill-in-the-blanks, and cloze tests.

How can I improve my English skills for bank exams?

Regular reading, practicing grammar exercises, expanding your vocabulary, and solving previous years' papers and mock tests can significantly improve your English skills.

How can I improve my reading comprehension skills?

Practice reading various types of texts, such as newspapers, magazines, and novels. Summarize passages, answer related questions, and practice comprehension exercises regularly.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in the English section?

Common mistakes include misreading questions, incorrect grammar usage, inadequate vocabulary, and poor time management. Practice regularly to minimize these errors.