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J & k Bank PO Shift 2 Exam Analysis for 27 Nov 2020: Check JK Bank Exam Review

The second shift of today’s J&K Bank PO Prelims exam is over now and here we are providing you with detailed exam review and analysis of this exam. The previous shifts have been of moderate difficulty level with quantitative aptitude and reasoning ability sections being lengthy and troubling students. The same has been seen in this shift as well. The reporting time of students was 10:30 AM and the exam was again moderate but very lengthy.

J&K Bank PO Prelims 2020 Exam Pattern

S.No. Name of Test No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 30 20 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
3 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes

J&K Bank PO Prelims 2020 Overall Good Attempts: 27 November, Shift- 2

Subjects Good Attempts
Quantitative Aptitude 19 to 23
Reasoning Ability 18 to 22
English Language 20 to 24
Overall 68 to 78

J&K Bank PO Prelims 2020 – Section Wise Exam Analysis

The J&K Bank PO Prelims Exam consists of three sections. Let us look at the exam and leases of all the sections individually.

English Language (Moderate)

The level of the questions asked in the English Language section of the second shift of J&K Bank PO Prelims exam was moderate. The topics were similar to what has been seen in the previous shifts. There was a set of 7 questions with reading comprehension and the topic of the passage was related to work life balance.

Topic No. of Questions Level
Reading Comprehension (work life balance) 7 Moderate- Difficult
Error Detection 5 Moderate
Sentence Rearrangement 5 Easy
Phrase Replacement 5 Easy- Moderate
Filler Single – 2 statements 5 Easy
match the column 3 Moderate
Total 30 Moderate

Quantitative Aptitude (Moderate- Lengthy)

Students who have appeared for this exam reported quantitative aptitude section was of moderate difficulty level but somewhat calculative as well.

There were a total of 3 sets of DI in this shift, the following are the types of DI seen in shift-2 of 27th November:

  • Caselet
  • Tabular DI
  • Pie Chart (this DI was very calculative)
Topic No. of Questions Level
Data Interpretation 15 Moderate
Quadratic Equation 5 Easy
Wrong Number Series 5 Easy
Miscellaneous Arithmetic Word Problem 10 Moderate and lengthy
Total 35 Moderate- Calculative

Reasoning Ability (Moderate – Lengthy)

After collecting the analysis from the students it was seen that this section was of moderate and lengthy as well. The most common topics, puzzles, syllogism, blood relation etc. that were asked in the exam today and the difficulty levels are mentioned in the table below. 

The following were the types of puzzles and seating arrangement questions asked-

There were a total of 4 sets of puzzles and seating arrangement:

  • Circular Seating Arrangement
  • Designation based puzzle- 8 people
  • Linear Seating Arrangement
  • There was one more puzzle
Topic No. of Questions Level
Puzzles and Seating Arrangement 20 Moderate – Lengthy
Inequality 5 Easy to Moderate
Alphabet Based 1 Easy to Moderate
Miscellaneous 9 Moderate
Total 35 Moderate – Lengthy

All the best of upcoming exams!!


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the average good attempts for shift -2 of J&K Bank PO Prelims Exam held on 27 Nov?

Ans.  68 to 78 is the average good attempt for this shift of J&K Bank PO Prelims Exam.

How many questions of puzzles and seating arrangement were asked in this shift?

Ans. There were 4 sets of puzzles and seating arrangement, i.e. 20 questions

Which was the most challenging section in this shift’s exam?

Ans. Reasoning Ability was although moderate but very lengthy as well.