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SBI Clerk 2019 Quant Hacks | Tips & Tricks

SBI Clerk 2019 Quant Hacks | Tips & Tricks |_2.1
Quantitative Aptitude is hard in most cases especially in exams like Banks and Insurance. Many Banks exam has a two-tier examination pattern i.e., Prelims and Mains. Most of them have changed their exam patterns and set a sectional timing of 20 minutes on each section. Quantitative aptitude is important for every exam because proper strategy and enough practice can help you score full marks in this section. There may not be assured in the language section and you may be stuck while solving reasoning questions but quants is a scoring subject and assure full marks if the calculation is correct.

So to help you ace the quants and to save your precious time during exam hours Adda247 providing some quant tricks to help aspirants.
Today we start with Simplification tricks which will help you in SBI Clerk 2019.

We start with Rule of BODMAS:

Everyone knows the BODMAS rule but in the pressure of the exam, we forget to apply and solve the question wrong. So a recap of BODMAS before the SBI Clerk is important.

1. BODMAS Rule: This rule depicts the correct sequence in which the operations are to be executed.

BODMASB (Bracket), O(Of), D(Divison), M(Multiplication), A(Addition), S(Subtraction).
Here solve Bracket first, then ‘of’ operation, ‘division‘, multiplication, addition and at last subtraction.
Example1. 108/36 of 1/4+2/5*13/4
Here chances of error are there if you miss the BODMAS Rule.
step1. 1st solve 36 of 1/4=9 [ ‘of ‘is treated as Multiply]
step2. then divide operation
step3. multiplication operation
step4. addition operation

Note– BODMAS Rule executed in decreasing order.

Example2. 4+4*18-6-8
step1. multiplication operation first- 4*18=72
step2. addition operation- 4+72=76
step3. subtraction operation- 76-14=62
2. Some identities which are helpful in the exam. They are important without them you can solve the question but take more time.

Example1.789*789*789+211*211*211/ 789*789-789*211+211*211— equ1
this is an example you can’t solve it in the examination
(a3+b3)= (a+b)*(a2-ab+b2)
compare equation 1 with the identity (a3+b3)/ (a2-ab+b2)= (a+b)
a=789, b=211
 = 789+211=1000
Example2. 658*658*658- 328*328*328/ 658*658+658*328+328*328—–equ1
 (a3-b3)=(a-b)(a2+ b2+ab)
compare equation 1 with the identity
where a=658, b=328

3. Divisibility Rule-
is helped to check whether a number is divisible or not by a particular number. This helps in Data interpretation when we some of the divisibility rules are important-
Divisibility By 3:
the number is divisible by 3 only when the sum of digits is divisible by 3
eg1- Is 659421 is divisible by 3
step1. In 659421 sum of digits= 27, which is divisible by 3
eg2- In 948653, the sum of digits= 35 which is not divisible by 3.
Divisibility by 9:
A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of the digit is divisible by 9.
eg1. 246591, the sum of digits=27, which is divisible by 9.
Divisibility by 4:
A number is divisible by 4 if the number formed by its last two digits is divisible by 4
697936 is divisible by 4 since 36 is divisible by 4
Divisibility by 8:
A number is divisible by 8 if the number formed by hundred’s, ten’s and unit’s digit of the given number is divisible by 8.
eg. 576484 is divisible by 8 since 484 is divisible by 8.
Divisibility by 11:
A number is divisible by 11 if the difference between the sum of its digit at odd places and the sum of its digits at even places is either 0 or number divisible by 11.
the sum of odd digits- the sum of even digits
Example. 57463822
the sum of (2+8+6+7)- (2+3+4+5)= 23-14=9, which is not divisible by 11.
Divisibility by 5:
A number is divisible by 5 only when its unit digits is 0 or 5.
Example. 76895.
4. Some ways you can easy your calculation faster-
step1. here 5 and 2 remain their place 5_ _2
step2.  addition of 5 and 2 i.e.=7
step3. again addition of 5 and 2=7
 so 52*111= 5772
Example2– step1.152*111= 1_ _ _ 2
step2. for tens place -the addition of 5 and 2
step3 for hundred place– the addition of 5, 2 and 1
step4. for a thousand place– the addition of 1 and 5.

5. a) 268*75= 134*150=67*300=20100— ( 5 in Unit place makes it 10).

b) 26.2/5=54.4/10=5.44.
c) 41.3/25=41.3*4=1.652(40+13).
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SBI Clerk 2019 Quant Hacks | Tips & Tricks |_3.1SBI Clerk 2019 Quant Hacks | Tips & Tricks |_4.1


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