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Sentence Rearrangement- Tips, Tricks & Questions for bank exams

Sentence rearrangement is a common section in many competitive exams, including bank exams. This section tests a candidate’s ability to comprehend and structure paragraphs logically. It requires a blend of grammatical knowledge, logical reasoning, and an understanding of the flow of ideas. Here, we will delve into effective strategies, essential tips, and sample questions to help you master sentence rearrangement for bank exams.

Sentence Rearrangement

In sentence rearrangement tasks, candidates are provided with a set of jumbled sentences. The goal is to rearrange these sentences to form a coherent and meaningful paragraph. This tests not only one’s command over the language but also their ability to understand the progression of thoughts and ideas.

Tips and Tricks for Sentence Rearrangement

Identify the Theme

The first step is to read all the sentences and identify the central theme or subject. This understanding will guide you in determining the logical flow of information.

Look for the Introductory Sentence

The introductory sentence typically:

  • Introduces the main topic.
  • Does not start with pronouns like “he,”she,” “it,” “they,” etc.
  • Is self-contained and does not require preceding context.

Identify Concluding Sentences

Concluding sentences often summarize the paragraph or present a final thought. They may contain concluding words or phrases like “thus,” “therefore,” “in conclusion,” etc.

Find Logical Connections

Look for logical connectors and transitional phrases that indicate relationships between sentences, such as:

  • Addition: and, also, moreover, furthermore
  • Contrast: but, however, on the other hand, although
  • Cause and Effect: because, therefore, thus, consequently
  • Sequence: first, next, then, finally

Spot Pairs of Sentences

Some sentences naturally pair together. Identifying these pairs can help in piecing together the sequence. Look for:

  • Pronouns referring to nouns in previous sentences.
  • Continuation of an idea or event mentioned in a preceding sentence.

Maintain Coherence and Cohesion

Ensure that the rearranged sentences make logical sense and maintain a smooth flow of ideas. Each sentence should logically lead to the next.

Practice Regularly

Regular practice helps in getting familiar with various patterns of sentence arrangements and improves speed and accuracy.

Sample Questions and Solutions

Example 1

A. Many people came to the exhibition.
B. It was held at the city gallery.
C. The exhibition was a grand success.
D. It showcased contemporary art.

  • Solution:
    Identify the introductory sentence: B (introduces the event and location)
  • Determine the sequence: B (event and location) → A (attendance) → D (details of the exhibition) → C (outcome)
  • Rearranged Paragraph: B – A – D – C

Example 2

A. The manager decided to call a meeting of all the employees.
B. The employees were not satisfied with the working conditions.
C. He wanted to discuss the issues and find solutions.
D. The decision was taken after several complaints were received.


  • Identify the introductory sentence: A (initiates the action)
  • Determine the sequence: A (meeting decision) → D (reason for decision) → B (employee dissatisfaction) → C (purpose of meeting)
  • Rearranged Paragraph: A – D – B – C

Example 3

A. When he finally arrived, he apologized for the delay.
B. John was supposed to reach the office by 9 AM.
C. He missed the bus and had to wait for the next one.
D. Unfortunately, he overslept and left home late.


  • Identify the introductory sentence: B (sets the expectation)
  • Determine the sequence: B (expectation) → D (reason for delay) → C (consequence) → A (result)
  • Rearranged Paragraph: B – D – C – A

Example 4

A. The company plans to launch its new product line next month.
B. The market response to their previous products was very encouraging.
C. They have already started advertising campaigns.
D. The management is hopeful about the success of the new products.


  • Identify the introductory sentence: A (announces future plan)
  • Determine the sequence: A (announcement) → C (preparations) → D (management’s hope) → B (past success)
  • Rearranged Paragraph: A – C – D – B

Mastering sentence rearrangement requires a strategic approach and regular practice. By understanding the theme, identifying key sentences, and maintaining logical flow, you can enhance your performance in this section of bank exams. Use the tips and sample questions provided to guide your preparation and practice consistently to improve your speed and accuracy. With these strategies, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle sentence rearrangement tasks effectively.

Bank Mahapack


Where I find ways in which I can improve sentence rearrangement topic?

The above article provides solution to those candidates who face difficulty in solving problems of this topic.

Are there any common mistakes to avoid in sentence rearrangement questions?

Yes, there are several common mistakes to be aware of and avoid such as 'Ignoring theme, Overlooking logical connectors, Assuming first sentence etc'

How can I improve my speed and accuracy in solving sentence rearrangement questions?

Improving speed and accuracy in sentence rearrangement questions can be achieved through the following strategies: Practice regularly, Read extensively, Identify key connectors and Timed practice.