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Test of the Day for State Bank of India PO 2018: 31st July 2018

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Test of the Day for State Bank of India PO 2018: 31st July 2018 |_2.1
We are providing you with the test of the day which will help you in upcoming exams like SBI PO Mains, SBI Clerk 2018. From this, you can practice questions with the timer that will help you to improve speed. SBI PO Mains and SBI Clerk Mains is one of the biggest opportunity for you guys to grab on, set you own mark and proceed with full confidence. All the very best for your preparations and All the future exams.

Q1. Name the state government that has signed an MoU with the British Council to strengthen educational and cultural cooperation.
Madhya Pradesh
The Maharashtra government has signed an MoU with the British Council to strengthen educational and cultural cooperation. The British Council, with this MoU, will expand its existing work in the state, where in recent times, it has trained more than 100,000 teachers benefitting around five million learners.
Q2. According to the Deutsche Bank research report, the Indian economy is witnessing a "cyclical upswing" and the country is likely to clock a GDP growth of 7. 5% this financial year. The Deutsche Bank Headquarters in _______________.
Geneva, Switzerland
New York, the USA
Frankfurt, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Washington DC, the USA
According to the Deutsche Bank research report, the Indian economy is witnessing a "cyclical upswing" and the country is likely to clock a GDP growth of 7. 5% this financial year. Deutsche Bank Headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany.
Q3. Name the lender that has recently launched its Interactive Robotic Assistant (IRA) 2.0, its interactive humanoid at the Koramangala Branch in Bengaluru.
Karnataka Bank
Axis Bank
HDFC Bank launched IRA 2.0, its interactive humanoid at the Koramangala Branch in Bengaluru. The interactive humanoid in its advance version is aimed to enhance user experience for customers visiting in the branch.
Q4. The 56th edition of Belgrade International Boxing Championship was held recently at Belgrade. Belgrade is the Capital city of _____________.
56th edition of Belgrade International Boxing Championship was held at Belgrade in Serbia. Indian boxers won three gold, five silver and five bronze medals at this championship. Among Gold medal winners, Sumit Sangwan won the final bout by defeating Ecuador’s Castillo Torres in 91 kg category. Belgrade is the Capital city of Serbia.
Q5. What is the advantages of RuPay Card?
Lower cost and affordability
Customized product offering
Protection of information related to Indian consumers
Inter-operability between payment channels and products
All of the above
The Indian market offers huge potential for cards penetration despite the challenges. RuPay Cards will address the needs of Indian consumers, merchants, and banks. The benefits of RuPay debit card are the flexibility of the product platform, high levels of acceptance and the strength of the RuPay brand-all of which will contribute to an increased product experience.
Directions (6-10): In each of the questions below is given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. 
Q6. Statements: 
Some button is pen. 
No pen is black. 
I. Some button not being black is a possibility. 
II. Some black is not button.
Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follow
None follows
Both I and II follows
Test of the Day for State Bank of India PO 2018: 31st July 2018 |_3.1
Q7. Statements: 
All white is bird. 
No bird is tree. 
I. Some tree not being white is a possibility. 
II. Some white can never be tree.
Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follow
None follows
Both I and II follows
Test of the Day for State Bank of India PO 2018: 31st July 2018 |_4.1
Q8. Statements: 
No green is air. 
No air is bottle. 
I. Some green can never be bottle. 
II. Some air can never be green.
Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follow
None follows
Both I and II follows
Test of the Day for State Bank of India PO 2018: 31st July 2018 |_5.1
Q9. Statements: 
Some cup is wire. 
All wire is bag. 
I. Some cup not being bag is a possibility. 
II. Some cup being bag is a possibility.
Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follow
None follows
Both I and II follows
Test of the Day for State Bank of India PO 2018: 31st July 2018 |_6.1
Q10. Statements: 
All sony is radio. 
No sony is music. 
I. Some radio not being music is a possibility. 
II. Some music is not radio.
Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follow
None follows
Both I and II follows
Test of the Day for State Bank of India PO 2018: 31st July 2018 |_7.1
Directions (11-15): Which of the following phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold letters to make the sentence grammatically correct? 
Choose the best option among the five given alternatives that reflect the correct use of phrase in the context of the grammatically correct sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (e) i.e., “No correction required” as the answer. 
Q11. Even though the boy and his mother would often visit Chennai, the grandparents were barred from meeting their grandson. On one such recent visit, the couple went to meet him again. However, they ended up waiting for hours outside the house, only to be refused a viewing of him.
only to say no to watch over him
only to refuse to cuddle him
only to deny a scene of him
only to be denied a glimpse of him.
No correction required
'only to be denied a glimpse of him' as this is the only alternative that can fit into the context and make it meaningful.
Q12. Despite work pressure, we are happy that they presented before us and used their negotiating skills and helped me meet my grandson.
that they remained with us
that they found time
that they stay free
that they seemed free
No correction required
'that they found time' as the sentence is having positive tone, so this should be the best suited alternative to fit in.
Q13. Officials of the Meteorological Department say it is normal for the mercury level to peak close to 40 degrees Celsius in June as well in coastal areas such as Chennai.
for the temperature level to stop
for the climate
for the warming of season
for the climatic changes reach
No correction required
No correction required.
Q14. During investigation, it was found that Aravind and his brothers had assaulted Akash in February. They were arrested in connection with the case. They were find out of prison in March.
were happened to come out of the bars
were seen appearing out to the jail
were released from prison
were expelled from the prison
No correction required
'were released from prison' is the only grammatically correct alternative.
Q15. Struggling with the extra demand for buses to cater to the city’s expanded area, the Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC) seems to have decided that the way out is to rob Peter to pay Paul.
is to steal Tom from Cruise
is to snatch Peter to pay Paul
is to instigate Paul for Peter
is to rob Peter from Paul
No correction required
No correction required.
Directions (16-20): What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series? 
Q16. 12, 12, 18, 36, 90, 270, ?
Series is ×1, ×1.5, ×2, ×2.5, ×3, ×3.5
so, ?=270×3.5=945
Q17. 15, 30, ?, 40, 8, 48
Series is ×2, ÷3, ×4, , ÷ 5, ×6…………….
so, ?= 30÷3=10
Q18. 879, 536, ?, 195, 131, 104
Test of the Day for State Bank of India PO 2018: 31st July 2018 |_8.1
Q19. 588, 563, 540, 519, ?, 483, 468
Series is –25, –23, –21, –19…..
so,? =519-19=500
Q20. 33, 39, 57, 87, 129, ?
Test of the Day for State Bank of India PO 2018: 31st July 2018 |_9.1

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