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Coded Inequality: Concepts, Symbols & Questions With Answers For Bank Exams

Coded inequality questions are a staple in many competitive exams, including bank exams. These questions test a candidate’s logical reasoning and analytical skills. Understanding the concepts and symbols used in coded inequality is crucial for scoring well in these sections. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to coded inequality, including key concepts, symbols, and sample questions with answers.

Coded Inequalities

Mastering the rules for solving inequalities is essential, especially since this topic frequently appears in various banking exams such as SBI PO, IBPS PO, and IBPS Clerk. Today, we will delve into one crucial aspect of this section.

Key Concepts

What is Coded Inequality?

Coded inequality involves statements where symbols represent different relational operators. These symbols need to be decoded to understand the relationship between variables.

Common Symbols

In coded inequality questions, symbols are used to represent traditional mathematical operators. Here are some typical symbols and their meanings:

  • >: Greater than
  • <: Less than
  • : Greater than or equal to
  • : Less than or equal to
  • =: Equal to

Tips for Solving Coded Inequality Questions

To assist candidates in preparing for the coded inequality section of bank exams, we have gathered the following tips and strategies:

Maintain the Sign’s Integrity: The sign between two elements should always remain unchanged. For example, “H > G” is equivalent to “G < H” in meaning but not in order.

Consider Provided Signs and Representations: When working on coded inequality questions, pay close attention to the signs and codes given in the problem. This careful consideration helps simplify the solution process and reduces the likelihood of errors.

Combine Repetitive Components: If a single component appears multiple times within the statements, it is beneficial to combine these statements to avoid redundancy.

Create Visual Aids: Construct a table or visual diagram that includes the signs associated with each code mentioned in the problem. Spending a few moments to create this resource can lead to a more efficient and clear understanding of the problem.

Strategies for Solving Coded Inequalities

In this section we have provided break down of coded inequalities in the simplest terms.

Coded inequalities might initially seem daunting and complicated, but the key to mastering these questions lies in your understanding of basic mathematical operations. Ensure you have a solid grasp of fundamental concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and comparative values like greater than and less than. That’s essentially all you need to tackle this topic.

The most effective way to score well in coded inequalities is to practice extensively. Remember the saying, “Practice makes perfect.”

The complexity in coded inequalities arises from the use of unconventional symbols to represent standard mathematical operations like +, -, x, ÷, >, and <. Your task is to interpret these symbols correctly and then apply the appropriate mathematical operation.

If you misunderstand the meaning of the symbols in the question, it will lead to errors and lost marks. Therefore, extensive practice is essential to become proficient in this topic.

Coded Inequalities Solved Practice Questions

Direction (Q.1-5): In each of the following questions, the relationship between different elements is shown in the statements followed by two conclusions. Find a true conclusion. 

Instructions: Assume that the given statements are true. Find which of the conclusion is/are definitely true. Given answer based on the following options:

  1. If only conclusion I is true.
  2. Only conclusion II is true.
  3. If either I or II is true.
  4. Neither I nor II is true.

In the following questions, the symbols %, ∆, #, &, ¢ are used. All the symbols define the following meanings.

A % B means that ‘A is smaller than B’
A ∆ B means that ‘A is less than or equal to B’
A # B means that ‘A is equal to B’
A & B means that ‘A is greater than B’
A ¢ B means that ‘A is either greater than or equal to B’

1.  Statements: A % B, C ¢ D, B # D.

I) B % C
II) B # C


Step 1: Draw a table with conventional signs for smaller and greater than signs used in the instructions as shown below –

Symbols            %            ∆            #             &            ¢

Meaning            <             ≤             =             >             ≥

Step 2: Start with the statements and decode them accordingly.

Once you replace the signs you’ll deduce that A < B, C ≥ D and B = D

Step 3: In the conclusion I, we can conclude that B < C, because the improved statement created help us establish that C ≤ B (as B=D and C ≤ D).

Step 4: We have B= C in the second conclusion, and since B = D and C ≥ D, we can conclude that it can be either C > B or C = B.

So, the correct answer is C.

2. Statement: A % B, B # C, C ¢ D

I) A & D
II) B ∆ D

Try it Yourself.

Correct Answer: D

3. Answer the following questions based on the information given below:

If ‘>’ is denoted as ‘#’
‘≥’ is denoted as ‘&’
‘=’ is denoted as ‘$’
‘≤’ is denoted as ‘%’
And ‘<’ is denoted as ‘@’

Statements: L % M @ N $ O # P; Q & R @ P $ S; A @ L % B

I. N # A
II. S $ B
III. R @ O

  1. Only conclusion I is true.
  2. Only conclusion II is true
  3. Both conclusion I and III are true
  4. Both conclusion II and III are true.
  5. All the conclusions I, II and III are true.


Step 1: Decode the signs of the statements to get

L ≤ M < N = O > P;
Q ≥ R < P = S;
A < L ≤ B

Step 2:  Combine the equations to get

N > M ≥ L > A
R < P < O
B ≥ L ≤ M < N = O > P = S

Step 3: Cross Check with the Conclusions:

  1. N # A means N > A: True (As N > M ≥ L > A so N > A)
  2. S $ B means S = B: False (As B ≥ L ≤ M < N = O > P = S)
  3. R @ O means R < O: True (As R < P < O, so, R < O)

Bank Mahapack


Where can I find basic concepts of coded inequalities topic?

Students can check the above article to learn the basic concept of coded inequalities.

Does coded inequality questions asked in bank mains exam?

Yes, coded inequality questions are asked in bank mains exam.