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Daily Vocabulary Words 19th April 2020- Daily Use Words

PUTATIVE (Adjective) : मानना
Meaning: generally considered or reputed to be.
Synonyms: supposed, acknowledged, accepted, reported
Antonyms: proven, real
Usage: Although Charles has not received the crown, he is already being treated as the putative king of his country.

USHER (verb): सहायता
Meaning: show or guide (someone) somewhere.
Synonyms: escort, accompany, help, assist.
Antonyms: neglect, stop, trail, cease.
Usage: By refusing to discuss euthanasia, they usher in something worse.

IMPRESARIO (noun): व्यवस्था करनेवाला
Meaning: a person who organizes and often finances concerts, plays, or operas.
Synonyms: organizer, manager, producer, controller.
Antonyms: antagonist, opponent, adversary.
Usage: As a nightclub impresario, the promoter tried to get as many people to the parties as possible.

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VENTUROUS(Adjective): साहसी
Meaning: tending to take risks or daring experiences
Synonyms: adventurous, daring
Antonyms: bore, timid, cowardly
Usage: A venturous daredevil, Emily loved doing thrill-seeking activities on vacation including swimming with sharks.

VICARIOUS(Adjective): प्रतिनिधिक
Meaning: experienced or felt by watching, hearing about, or reading about someone else rather than by doing something yourself
Synonyms: commissioned, delegated
Antonyms: direct, primary
Usage: My paralyzed uncle takes vicarious pride in his son’s running achievements.

ENVIRON (verb): घेरना
Meaning: surround; enclose.
Synonyms: encircle, envelop, wrap, swathe.
Usage: The stone circle was environed by an expanse of peat soil.

SALIENCE (Noun): प्रसिद्धि
Meaning: the quality of being particularly noticeable or important; prominence.
Synonyms: prominence, eminence, fame, importance
Antonyms: insignificance, unimportance
Usage: Two board members wanted to discuss the salience of the health care issue, but the others didn’t see the importance.

OBFUSCATION(Noun) : उलझन
Meaning: the action of making something less clear and less easy to understand, especially intentionally
Synonyms: bafflement, confusion
Antonyms: clarity
Usage: She criticized the company’s deliberate obfuscation of its finances.

TELLTALE (adjective) : संकेत
Meaning: revealing, indicating, or betraying something.
Synonyms: denotative, indicative, reflective, signifying.
Antonyms: cheeseparing, uninformative, unaired, secretive.
Usage: Her nasty tone was a telltale sign of her irritation, even though she didn’t say anything particularly meaningful.

UNSCATHED (adjective): सुरक्षित
Meaning: without suffering any injury, damage, or harm.
Synonyms: intact, safe, unscarred, secure.
Antonyms: hurt, injured, harmed, wounded.
Usage: It was strange how the fire destroyed most of the city but left the church unscathed.

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