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English Language Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 – 07th April

Directions (1-5): In each of the questions given below a sentence is given which is divided into 5 parts. Out of the given 5 parts, one is grammatically incorrect and the rest are not. It is then followed by 5 options which gives one of the option as a correct one. Choose the option which is grammatically incorrect. If all the parts are grammatically correct then your answer will be ‘No error’.

Q1. Mr. Gandhi termed Mr. Modi’s visited to China as one without an agenda(A)/, and alleged that the Prime Minister didn’t raise(B)/ the presence of Chinese troops(C)/ in the Doklam plateau(D)/ with Chinese President Xi Jinping(E).
(a) (A)
(b) (B)
(c) (C)
(d) (D)
(e) No error

Q2. Tinkering with the existing national programme of(A)/ providing hot-cooked meals to children three(B)/ to six years old, and take-home rations(C)/ for younger children and pregnant and(D)/ lactating mothers is fraught to danger(E).
(a) (D)
(b) (B)
(c) (C)
(d) (E)
(e) No error

Q3. Most of their conversations were unstructured(A)/, at informal events where(B)/ they were accompanied only by(C)/ translators. There was(D)/ just one delegating-level meeting(E).
(a) (A)
(b) (E)
(c) (C)
(d) (B)
(e) No error

Q4. Despite hundreds of years of engaging each other(A)/, the two neighbours have (B)/ to war only once since, the Agreement on the(C)/ Maintenance of Peace and Tranquility(D)/ was signed in 1993(E).
(a) (D)
(b) (C)
(c) (B)
(d) (E)
(e) No error

Q5. The index is close to its highest level(A)/ since mid-January, indicating that(B)/ investors see assets undergirded(C)/ by the dollar(D)/ as a strong bet(E).
(a) (A)
(b) (B)
(c) (C)
(d) (D)
(e) No error

Directions (6-10): In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence, there are five options and each blank is to be filled with the same word given below to make the sentence correct. Fill up the sentences with the correct word.

Q6. (I) Near the centre of the park is Mud ………….., a circular crater about 40 ft.
(II) Rictiovarus in disgust cast himself into the fire, or the …………… of boiling tar, from which they had emerged refreshed.
(a) vessel
(b) cauldron
(c) cataclysm
(d) cavalcade
(e) casserole

Q7. (I) The …………. of the various kinds of snakes acts differently.
(II) ………….. replaced saliva and his jaw began to ache.
(a) venom
(b) potion
(c) discharge
(d) blood
(e) skin

Q8. (I) Another simple apparatus is a large vertical pipe or shoot in which sloping …………. plates or shelves are placed at intervals.
(II) His speeches carry us but a little way beyond the mental range, his novels rather ………….. than instruct.
(a) sham
(b) baffle
(c) buffer
(d) shame
(e) rebuke

Q9. (I) His concept of …………… appeal just can’t be based on numbers.
(II) I have an …………… appreciation of John’s looks, personal style and creativity.
(a) anesthesia
(b) unaesthetic
(c) aesthetic
(d) aesthesia
(e) unanesthesia

Q10. (I) The pair 6232 and 6368 is ……………, but they cannot be derived from this formula.
(II) His investigation of the properties of …………. numbers and of the problem of trisecting an angle, are of importance.
(a) beautiful
(b) handsome
(c) complicated
(d) composite
(e) amicable

Directions (11-15): In the passage given below there are blanks which are to be filled with the options given below. Find out the appropriate word in each case which can most suitably complete the sentence without altering the meaning of the statement.

Q11. While the rupee is not alone among BRICS currencies to have (11)……….. against the dollar this year, with both the Brazilian real and the Russian rouble (12)…………. value, it remains particularly (13)…………. to mounting oil costs given the economy’s (14)………… high dependence on crude imports to (15)……… energy needs.

(a) waived

(b) risen

(c) depressed

(d) depreciated

(e) declined

Q12. While the rupee is not alone among BRICS currencies to have (11)……….. against the dollar this year, with both the Brazilian real and the Russian rouble (12)…………. value, it remains particularly (13)…………. to mounting oil costs given the economy’s (14)………… high dependence on crude imports to (15)……… energy needs.

(a) stating

(b) decreasing

(c) increasing

(d) loosing

(e) losing

Q13. While the rupee is not alone among BRICS currencies to have (11)……….. against the dollar this year, with both the Brazilian real and the Russian rouble (12)…………. value, it remains particularly (13)…………. to mounting oil costs given the economy’s (14)………… high dependence on crude imports to (15)……… energy needs.

(a) combustible

(b) fallible

(c) vulnerable

(d) strong

(e) powerful

Q14. While the rupee is not alone among BRICS currencies to have (11)……….. against the dollar this year, with both the Brazilian real and the Russian rouble (12)…………. value, it remains particularly (13)…………. to mounting oil costs given the economy’s (14)………… high dependence on crude imports to (15)……… energy needs.

(a) extremely

(b) farthest

(c) reasonable

(d) least

(e) nearest

Q15. While the rupee is not alone among BRICS currencies to have (11)……….. against the dollar this year, with both the Brazilian real and the Russian rouble (12)…………. value, it remains particularly (13)…………. to mounting oil costs given the economy’s (14)………… high dependence on crude imports to (15)……… energy needs.

(a) meet

(b) pass

(c) join

(d) complete

(e) take


S1. Ans.(a)
Sol.  “Mr. Gandhi termed Mr. Modi’s visit to China as one without an agenda” as apostrophe in the subject ‘Modi’ denotes a noun which is obviously related to the subject. Hence, ‘visited’ .i.e. a verb will not follow it.

S2. Ans.(d)
Sol. “lactating mothers is fraught with danger”- here, ‘fraught’ which is a noun, means ‘load or burden’ which will obviously take the correct preposition .i.e. ‘with’.

S3. Ans.(b)
Sol. “just one delegation-level meeting”  is the correct usage that should replace the incorrect portion in the given statement as ‘delegation’ is a noun which makes the perfect sense here, and from which correct meaning can also be inferred.

S4. Ans.(c)
Sol. “the two neighbors have been” is grammatically correct sentence here as the two parties which have been talked about here, had signed the agreement of peace, and thus ‘have been’ to war only once.

S5. Ans.(e)
Sol. No error

S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. cauldron– a large bowl-shaped pot

S7. Ans.(a)
Sol. venom– poison

S8. Ans.(b)
Sol. baffle– to deceive or to confuse

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. aesthetic– concerned with beauty, artistic impact, or appearance

S10. Ans.(e)
Sol. amicable– friendly

S11. Ans.(d)
Sol. depreciated means to lessen in price or estimated value. And here, we are talking about the currencies. Thus, depreciated is the best suited alternative.

S12. Ans.(e)
Sol. losing is the only option that goes with the context of the value of the Brazilian and Russian currencies in the given statement.

S13. Ans.(c)
Sol. vulnerable is the one who/which is most likely to expose to the dangers. Hence, this best suits the context as the mounting of oil costs have been talked about that obviously reflects the negative tone of the given passage.

S14. Ans.(a)
Sol. extremely means to the highest or extreme degree which states the extreme dependence on the crude oil.

S15. Ans.(a)
Sol. meet is the only option that best suits the context.

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