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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For IBPS PO Mains 2022- 11th October

Directions (1-5): Given below the table shows types of interest offered by five banks, principal amount, time of period and rate of interest. Some of the data is missing. Calculate that according to information given in questions.

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For IBPS PO Mains 2022- 11th October_3.1

Q1. If the ratio of interest rate of IDBI to that of UCO is 3: 4, then find the difference between principle invested in UCO bank and amount obtained from IDBI, if time period for both banks is same?
(a) 13800 Rs
(b) 12800 Rs
(c) 11800 Rs
(d) 13600 Rs
(e) 13900 Rs.

Q2. If rate of interest offered by SBI and Yes bank is same. Then find principle invested in SBI is approximately what percent of amount obtained from YES bank?
(a) 52%
(b) 59%
(c) 70%
(d) 65%
(e) 78%

Q3. What is amount of interest obtained from ICICI bank, if ratio of principle invested in ICICI bank to principal invested in Yes bank is 7 : 5 and time period is one year less for ICICI bank than time period of YES bank?
(a) 9020 Rs
(b) 9030 Rs
(c) 8030 Rs
(d) 7030 R
(e) 9080 Rs.

Q4. Principle invested in ICICI is 3000 more than principle invested in UCO bank and both invested for same period of time and UCO bank offered 8% rate of interest annually. If amount obtained from ICICI is Rs. 32870 more than interest obtained from UCO bank then find the principle invested in UCO bank and ICICI bank?
(a) Rs 25000 & Rs 27000
(b) Rs 18000 & Rs 16000
(c) Rs 22000 & Rs 20000
(d) Rs 25000 & Rs 28000
(e) Rs 24000 & Rs. 28000

Q5. If ratio between rate of interest offered by SBI bank to IDBI bank is 5 : 3 and ratio between time period is 2 : 1 respectively, then find the sum of principle invested in SBI bank and amount obtained from IDBI bank?
(a) 27850 Rs
(b) 28850 Rs
(c) 29950 Rs
(d) 27950 Rs
(e) 31950 Rs.

Directions (6–10) : The bar graph shows % of sweets sold by a famous shop out of the total sweets that he prepared. Answer the questions based on this information.
Note: All the units of sweets are given in KG’s unless mentioned.

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For IBPS PO Mains 2022- 11th October_4.1

Q6. Shopkeeper prepared 66 ⅔% more ‘Laddu’ on Sunday than that of Saturday. Total number of Barfi prepared on Sunday and Saturday are equal to total number of Laddu prepared in these two days. Barfi prepared on both of days are equal in quantity then find number of Laddu that remained unsold on Sunday, given that difference between total sold Barfi to total sold Laddu in these two days is 100kg.
(a) 2400
(b) 1200
(c) 900
(d) 1600
(e) None of these

Q7. Ratio of Laddu prepared on Friday and Laddu sold on Monday together to total number of Laddu prepared on Friday and Monday is 113 : 120. He earns profit of Rs. 20/kg on selling Laddu and no loss on unsold Laddu. If total profit earned on Monday is Rs. 11040 more than that of Friday on selling Laddu then find quantity of Laddu prepared by him on Monday.
(a) 1680 kg
(b) 1600 kg
(c) 1800 kg
(d) 1512 kg
(e) 1200 kg

Q8. Quantity of Laddu sold on Friday is equal to quantity of Barfi sold on Monday. Calculate the quantity of Barfis prepared on Friday, if he prepared 80 kg more Laddu than Barfi on each day(Friday and Monday) and Barfi’s prepared on Friday is 30% less than Barfi’s prepared on Monday.
(a) 1000 kg
(b) 1600 kg
(c) 1120 kg
(d) 1200 kg
(e) 1680 kg

Q9. If he earns a profit of Rs. 10/kg on selling each sweets and loss of Rs. 10/800 gm on unsold items. Find his approximate profit % on Saturday, if it cost Rs. 200/kg to prepare each sweets and ratio of Laddu prepared to Barfi prepared is 5 : 4 on Saturday.
(a) 2%
(b) 5%
(c) 10%
(d) 12%
(e) can’t be determined

Q10. Find the approximate average % of sweets sold on Saturday, Sunday and Monday together if shopkeeper prepared same quantity of Barfi on these days and ratio of Barfi to laddu prepared in these 3 days is 4 : 3, 4 : 5 and 20 : 21 respectively.
(a) 85
(b) 76
(c) 60
(d) 68
(e) 65


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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For IBPS PO Mains 2022- 11th October_6.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For IBPS PO Mains 2022- 11th October_7.1

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