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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022- 1st May

Directions (1-5): Given bar graph shows the percentage of alcohol in a mixture as percentage of water in it. Study the graph carefully and answer the questions.

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022- 1st May |_3.1

Q1. If mixture A and mixture B are mixed in ratio 2:3 to form a new mixture. Find the ratio of alcohol & water in the mixture so formed.
(a) 23:70
(b) 1:3
(c) 27:80
(d) 21 : 107
(e) 27 : 53

Q2. Quantity of alcohol in mixture D & E together is approximately what percent of quantity of water in mixture C & D together if equal quantity of all mixtures is considered?
(a) 41 %
(b) 39 %
(c) 45 %
(d) 48 %
(e) none of these

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022- 1st May |_4.1

Q4. What will be the difference of quantities of alcohol & water in mixture A, C & E together if 130 lit, 70 lit, 130 lit of mixture A, C & E are taken respectively? (in lit)
(a) 250
(b) 170
(c) 160
(d) 225
(e) 145

Q5. What will be the alcohol concentration if 50 litre pure alcohol is mixed in 540 liters of mixture B? (in %, approx)
(a) 30
(b) 24
(c) None of these
(d) 35
(e) 32

Q6. Veer is 40% less efficient than Bhavya and both complete the work together in 30 days, if Abhishek takes 10 days less as Veer and Bhavya takes together. Then find how many days will be required to complete the work, if all three work together?
(a) 16 days
(b) 12 days
(c) 10 days
(d) 8 days
(e) 18 days

Q7. Sameer borrowed 17500 Rs. from Divyaraj on compound interest annually at the rate of 20% per annum, if he paid 5000 Rs. at the end of every year to Divyaraj then find how much amount Sameer have to pay at the end of fourth year for complete his debt?
(a) 14168
(b) 14648
(c) 14848
(d) 14448
(e) 14248

Q8. Ankit gets 6000 Rs. out of total profit of 9000 Rs. and he invested 8000 more amount than his partner for 8 months and his partner Arun invested his amount for whole the year in partnership, then find how much amount invested by Ankit?
(a) 8000 Rs.
(b) 1000 Rs.
(c) 9000 Rs.
(d) 14000 Rs.
(e) 12000 Rs.

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022- 1st May |_5.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022- 1st May |_6.1

Directions (11-15): What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?

Q11. 7.5, 41, 81, 129.5, 190.5, ?
(a) 275
(b) 270
(c) 271.5
(d) 272.5
(e) 269.5

Q12. 13, 113, 775, 3839, ?, 11353
(a) 11417
(b) 7853
(c) 11253
(d) 11453
(e) 19131

Q13. 122, 166.5, 205.5, 255.5, 283.5, ?
(a) 523
(b) 483.5
(c) 355.5
(d) 393.5
(e) 423.5

Q14. 620 632 608 644 596 ?
(a) 536
(b) 556
(c) 656
(d) 646
(e) None of these

Q15. 572, ?, 1012, 1280, 1580, 1912
(a) 476
(b) 668
(c) 776
(d) 772
(e) 1016


 Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022- 1st May |_7.1Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022- 1st May |_8.1Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022- 1st May |_9.1Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022- 1st May |_10.1Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022- 1st May |_11.1 Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022- 1st May |_12.1

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