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Sentence Completion for IBPS PO Prelims Exam: 17th September 2018

Sentence Completion for IBPS PO Prelims Exam: 17th September 2018 |_2.1
IBPS PO Prelims is in its way and lot of aspirants are heading towards new hopes with this upcoming opportunity. Thus, English Language can be an impetus for their success by saving time and scoring well. So, instead of boiling the ocean, try building up a strong vocabulary, an effective knowledge of grammar, and efficient comprehension skills so as to be on the ball to face this particular section. Here is a quiz on English Language being provided by Adda247 to let you practice the best of latest pattern English Questions for upcoming IBPS PO exam.

Directions (1-15): In each of the questions given below an incomplete sentence is given which must be filled/completed with one of the sentences/words given below .i.e. one of the sentences/words can be fit into the given blanks. Choose the correct option and complete the given sentences. If none of the given alternatives is appropriate to fill the blank, choose option (e) i.e. “none of these” as your answer choice. 

Q1. Three scientists were arrested …………………………………………………… official secrets related to space technology and launch missions with foreign agents.
about the mismanagement of the scene
with the sharing
on the grave charge of sharing
about the charge of disclosing
None of these
'on the grave charge of sharing' is the most appropriate answer here. the scientists were charged with sharing official secrets with foreign agents.
Q2. It has been unsympathetic …………………………………………………………….. its errant police officers, arguing petulantly that there is no court direction to take disciplinary action against them.
for the police to demanding for
for the action with
with the development of
to the demand for action against
None of these
'to the demand for action against' is the most appropriate fit here as it makes the sentence meaningful.
Q3. For a country where it is not uncommon for those ……………………………… after long years in prison, it is possible to argue that the compensation principle may open the floodgates for innumerable claims.
arrested for heinous offences to be exonerated
were allowed to develop their own system
needed to be disbanded
desired to be scattered along the principles
None of these
'arrested for heinous offences to be exonerated' is the most appropriate choice here as the sentence is for prisoners who are arrested for offences and then exonerated after long years, it is possible to argue for the compensation principle for them.
Q4. While his honour and dignity were restored long back, ……………………………………into the conduct of the police officers concerned is disconcerting.
the termination of the officials
the delay in a consequential inquiry
publicised insurance component of the programme
government has failed at every front
None of these
'the delay in a consequential inquiry' fits in the blank most appropriately. The sentence here means that his Honour and dignity were restored long back but the delay is inquiry is alarming.
Q5. If banks failed to comply with the RBI’s new rules, …………………………………………swift insolvency proceedings under the new Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC).
there has to be prosecution of the
the demands of the people will need a
eased India’s annual inflation rate
these stressed assets had to be forced to undergo
None of these
As the latter part of the sentence talks about the new Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, so'these stressed assets had to be forced to undergo' is the most appropriate choice here.
Q6. The troubles of power companies can be traced to structural issues such as the …………………………………………………… and the unsustainable finances of public sector power distribution companies.
behaviours, which should in turn impact the broad outcomes
absence of meaningful price reforms, unreliable fuel supply
manufactured and transport maintenance
availability of proper fuel supply and transport facilities
None of these
'absence of meaningful price reforms, unreliable fuel supply' is the appropriate choice here. here, the sentence talks about the troubles of power companies and so the option that we should choose must be a negative one, hence option b fits in appropriately.
Q7. As Indians, we are …………………………………….. of our governance and our Constitution which has ensured that India is both a democracy and a republic.
justly proud of the structure
ashamed of the structure
positively affected by the commencement
jointly sustained by the quality
None of these
'justly proud of the structure' is a perfect fit here. As Indians, we are proud of our governance and constitution hence justly proud is perfect here.
Q8. The Constitution, which came into force in 1950, ………………………………………………….. given a set of inviolable freedoms, including equality before the law and freedom of expression.
will have to pressurize the
have been ensured by the Indian Citizens
had ensured that Indian citizens were
combining large scale information
None of these
'had ensured that Indian citizens were' is the perfect fit here as the constitution had ensured the Indian citizens of various freedoms.
Q9. The right start to life is fuelled by a system ………………………………………. for the pregnant and lactating mother, which then gets extended to the child.
depending upon the government aid
maintained and organized in
lacking nutritive care
ensuring wholesome nutritive care
None of these
'ensuring wholesome nutritive care' is the perfect fit here. The wholesome nutritive care for the lactating mothers gets extended to the child.
Q10. In order to emphasize the importance of a right and healthy start to the lives of children, the Union government …………………………………………………….. under the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS).
runs an extensive public health system network
claim credit for the projects accomplished
maintains and favours a issue
needs to be made applicable to the Autonomous District Councils.
None of these
'runs an extensive public health system network' makes the sentence contextually correct and meaningful.
Q11. Aside from the question of immigration, the health service was consistently judged to be the most important issue; in certain parts of the country, ………………………………………… than education and equality.
health and immigration were hand in hand
immigration was accorded a lower priority
making the most of the health benefits was priority
the tax that was implemented was beneficial
None of these
'immigration was accorded a lower priority' as than is used in latter part of sentence, so a comparison is being made and option b provides the right context.
Q12. And even though ………………………………………….. about hygiene procedures, vaccination is not such a feared experience anymore, and institutional deliveries are happening, there is still a long way to go for the children of this community to attain optimal nutritional status.
there might be disturbances in
there has been a desirable effort in
there has been increased examination
there has been an increased awareness
None of these
'there has been an increased awareness' is the correct choice. due to increased awareness, vaccination is not feared anymore.
Q13. Almost all human beings …………………………… from regular work, especially those retiring from high official and corporate perches.
requires retirement
dread retirement
fear leaves
opposed retirement
None of these
'dread retirement' is contextually correct and meaningful here. Dread here means anticipate with great apprehension or fear
Q14. One of the major functions of dams is flood protection —………………………………..the flow of water and its impact downstream.
to measure
to attenuate
to duplicate
to dismantle
None of these
'to attenuate ' is correct here. Attenuate means
reduce the force, effect, or value of.
Q15. Admittedly, the change in topography due to human interventions and climate change …………………………………………… the sporadic and excess rainfall.
have measured to
have donated to
has contributed to
have been reasonable to
None of these
'has contributed to' is the appropriate choice as the change in topography due to human interventions and climate cha nge have contributed to or are the reasons behind excess rainfall.

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