DEROGATORY(Adjective) : अपमानजनक
Meaning: showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.
Synonyms: disparaging, slighting, pejorative, belittling
Antonyms: complimentary, appreciative, favorable, flattering
Example: He made some derogatory comment/remark about her appearance.
INDELIBLE(Adjective) : अमिट
Meaning: not able to be forgotten.
Synonyms: indestructible, permanent, lasting, persisting
Antonyms: delible, destructible, erasable, impermanent
Example: Getting out didn’t make such an indelible impression as going in.
INFIRM(Adjective) : कमजोर
Meaning: ill or needing care, especially for long periods and often because of old age
Synonyms: ailing, ill
Antonyms: healthy, strong
Example: She was too elderly and infirm to remain at home
RENDER(Verb) : कारण
Meaning: to cause someone or something to be in a particular state
Synonyms: deliver, cause
Antonyms: hold, keep
Example: Billions have been spent, but not one gallon of the estimated 54m gallons of waste has been rendered harmless.
RECONCILE'(Verb) : सामंजस्य
Meaning: restore friendly relations between.
Synonyms: reunite, pacify, appease, mollify
Antonyms: estrange, alienate
Example: Bill’s plan was to reconcile with his estranged brother whom he had not spoken to in seven years.
PETULANCE(Verb) : चिड़चिड़ापन
Meaning: the quality of being childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
Synonyms: bitterness, cynicism, irritability
Example: Symptoms of migraines include pain, blurred vision, and petulance.
UNDERLAY(verb) : निर्धारित
Meaning: place something under (something else), especially to support or raise it.
Synonyms: control, determine, manage, regulate
Antonyms: abandon, liberate mismanage, neglect
Example: Construction workers will underlay a support beam beneath the drooping floor in an effort to make it more secure.