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English Quizzes For RBI Grade B/ ECGC PO Pre/SIDBI GRADE A 2022- 4th May

Directions (1-15): There has been a word omitted from the following sentences which prevents the particular sentence from becoming meaningful. Choose the option which contains the correct word to be placed in the filler. If no word is likely to fit in the sentence, then choose (e) none of these are your answer.

Q1. After living for weeks in underground shelters or shut in at home, Mariupol’s residents are emerging to find their once-vibrant port city a/an ______________ ruin.
(a) fabricated
(b) devastated
(c) universal
(d) insatiable
(e) None of these

Q2. Netflix decided to stop developing several projects, including Meghan’s series as part of its ______________ decisions on creating animated series, the company said in a statement, without providing further details on its decisions.
(a) strategic
(b) ethnic
(c) acidic
(d) buoyant
(e) None of these

Q3. A senior US official says the United States believed Russia is planning this month to ______________ large portions of eastern Ukraine and recognise the southern city of Kherson as an independent republic.
(a) yearn
(b) obsolete
(c) annex
(d) laud
(e) None of these

Q4. As India celebrates Eid, Mamata Banerjee told people in Bengal that ‘Acche Din’ will come and taking aim at the Modi govt, also said that ‘politics of ______________’ will not work.
(a) salvation
(b) consistency
(c) incompatibility
(d) isolation
(e) None of these

Q5. Temperatures in parts of India and Pakistan have reached record levels, putting the lives of millions at risk as the effects of the climate crisis are felt across the ______________.
(a) subcontinent
(b) consensus
(c) subordinate
(d) metamorphosis
(e) None of these

Q6. As Gulf Arab states lose faith in the United States’ commitment to their security, two Middle East ________________, Iran and Saudi Arabia, are taking matters into their own hands.
(a) penance
(b) archrivals
(c) parables
(d) vigils
(e) None of these

Q7. Living with asthma means ________________ the attacks that could leave one breathless, with chest tightness or a shooting pain, along with coughing or wheezing due to narrowed airways.
(a) dreading
(b) conceding
(c) jeopardizing
(d) fazing
(e) None of these

Q8. The great Rahul Dravid has played a huge role in giving Indian cricket its next generation of players, one of whom recalled the day the former India captain spotted him and was ________________ by his strokeplay.
(a) intrinsic
(b) impressed
(c) jaded
(d) anguished
(e) None of these

Q9. Chinese social media have shut down the accounts of a prominent market analyst who drew ________________ in recent weeks to the dramatic slowdown in the country’s economy and the effects of government policy on the tech industry.
(a) cognition
(b) deception
(c) attention
(d) dejection
(e) None of these

Q10. The economy of the twenty-first century is no longer labour-based, but rather knowledge-driven and skill-oriented, implying that an individual must ________________ in a life-long learning process.
(a) engage
(b) damage
(c) carnage
(d) plumage
(e) None of these

Q11. ________________ resignations and market fluctuations have severely impacted the world of work.
(a) fictitious
(b) provisional
(c) palpable
(d) mass
(e) None of these

Q12. Some Pacific island nations have been left walking a/an ________________ tightrope in their response to the war in Ukraine, as they try to balance regional alliances with both the west and China and Russia.
(a) egoistical
(b) geological
(c) geopolitical
(d) astronomical
(e) None of these

Q13. As humans ________________ to become an interplanetary species, their first destination in the cosmic neighbourhood will be Mars.
(a) reverie
(b) vie
(c) grimace
(d) extol
(e) None of these

Q14. Researchers have warned that if human-led emissions continue ________________, the marine world will face mass extinction by 2100.
(a) flagrant
(b) lithe
(c) unchecked
(d) orthodox
(e) None of these

Q15. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday (April 19) ________________ her Budget announcement on setting up 75 digital banking units in 75 districts of the country this year.
(a) palliated
(b) razed
(c) assailed
(d) reiterated
(e) None of these


S1. Ans (b)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is devastated which means completely destroyed.
Fabricated- invent (something) in order to deceive.
Universal- relating to or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular group; applicable to all cases.
Insatiable- (of an appetite or desire) impossible to satisfy.

S2. Ans (a)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is strategic which means relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them.
Ethnic- relating to a population subgroup (within a larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a common national or cultural tradition.
Acidic- something that’s acidic has a low pH, as opposed to a base, which has a higher pH.
Buoyant- cheerful and optimistic.

S3. Ans (c)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is annex which means add (territory) to one’s own territory by appropriation.
Yearn- have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.
Obsolete- no longer produced or used; out of date.
Laud- praise (a person or their achievements) highly.

S4. Ans (d)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is isolation which means the act of separating something from other things; the act of isolating something.
Consistency- consistent behaviour or treatment.
Salvation- preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss.
Incompatibility- the condition of two things being so different in nature as to be incapable of coexisting.

S5. Ans (a)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is subcontinent which means a large distinguishable part of a continent, such as North America or the part of Asia containing India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
Subordinate- a person under the authority or control of another within an organization.
Consensus- a general agreement.
Metamorphosis- change of physical form, structure, or substance.

S6. Ans (b)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is archrivals which means main person, company etc that you compete with.
Parable- a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels.
Penance- punishment inflicted on oneself as an outward expression of repentance for wrongdoing.
Vigil- a period of keeping awake during the time usually spent asleep, especially to keep watch or pray.

S7. Ans (a)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is dreading which means anticipate with great apprehension or fear.
Concede- admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it.
Jeopardize- put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure.
Faze- disturb or disconcert (someone).

S8. Ans (b)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is impressed which means feeling or showing admiration or respect for someone or something.
Anguish- be extremely distressed about something.
Intrinsic- belonging naturally; essential.
Jaded- bored or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something.

S9. Ans (c)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is attention which means notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important.
Deception- the action of deceiving someone.
Cognition- the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.
Dejection- a sad and depressed state; low spirits.

S10. Ans (a)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is engage which means participate or become involved in.
Damage- inflict physical harm on (something) so as to impair its value, usefulness, or normal function.
Carnage- the slaughter of a great number of people, as in battle; butchery; massacre.
Plumage- collective feathered covering of a bird.

S11. Ans (d)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is Mass which means a large number of people or objects crowded together.
Fictitious- not real or true; imaginary or fabricated.
Provisional- arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later.
Palpable- (of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost tangible.

S12. Ans (c)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is geopolitical which means relating to politics, especially international relations, as influenced by geographical factors.
Egoistical- being centered in or preoccupied with oneself and the gratification of one’s own desires; self-centered.
Geological- relating to the study of the earth’s physical structure and substance.
Astronomical- (of an amount) extremely large.

S13. Ans (b)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is vie which means compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something.
Reverie- a state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts; a daydream.
Grimace- a facial expression usually of disgust, disapproval, or pain.
Extol- praise enthusiastically.

S14. Ans (c)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is unchecked which means
Flagrant- (of an action considered wrong or immoral) conspicuously or obviously offensive.
Lithe- (especially of a person’s body) thin, supple, and graceful.
Orthodox- following or conforming to the traditional or generally accepted rules or beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice.

S15. Ans (d)
Sol. The appropriate word that will be used to fill the blank is reiterated. It means say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.
Palliate- make (a disease or its symptoms) less severe without removing the cause.
Raze- completely destroy (a building, town, or other settlement).
Assail- make a concerted or violent attack on.

English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 8th January_70.1

English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 8th January_80.1

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