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J&K Bank PO Exam Analysis 1st Shift 29 Nov 2020: Check JK Bank Exam Review

J&K Bank is conducting the online Preliminary Examination for Probationary Officer for all branches of J&K banks. The J&K bank PO exam is being conducted today29th November in various shifts, and now first shift is completed. The overall level of the examination Moderate and as usual Quantitative Aptitude was much calculative and lengthy. This is the expected pattern and remained the same. Here in this article,  we are providing a detailed analysis of today’s exam. This J&K Bank PO Prelims exam analysis is based on the review we received from some of the students who appeared in this exam today.

J&K Bank PO Prelims 2020 Exam Pattern

S.No. Name of Test No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 30 20 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
3 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes

J&K Bank PO Prelims 2020 Overall Good Attempts: 29 November

The J&K bank PO 1st shift exam held today remained on the same pattern as earlier days. The students who appeared in this exam found this paper moderate and barring one section Quantitative Aptitude. Now, let us see the good attempts for all the sections, then we’ll review the paper section-wise.

Subjects Good Attempts
Quantitative Aptitude 18 to 21
Reasoning Ability 19 to 24
English Language 22 to 26
Overall 65 to 77

J&K Bank PO Prelims 2020 – Section Wise Exam Analysis

The J&K PO prelims exam was conducted today 28th November. In the PO prelims exam, there are three sections- English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning. Let us discuss the exam analysis for each section in details-

English Language (Moderate)

RC Topic- Infrastructue and development, How it contributed to GDP


Topic No. of Questions Level
Reading Comprehension 10 Moderate
Error Detection- Old Pattern 5 Easy
Sentence Rearrangement 5 Easy
Miscellaneous 10 Easy- Moderate
Total 30 Easy-Moderate

Quantitative Aptitude (Moderate- Lengthy)


  • Vegitarian – Non-vegitarian People give on Line Graph
  • Total no eggs, Male Female- Find out percentage.



Topic No. of Questions Level
Data Interpretation 15 Moderate and very lengthy
Quadratic Equation 5 Easy
Approximation 5 Easy
Arithmetic Partnership, Age, Time & work 10 Moderate and lengthy
Total 35 Moderate- lengthy

Reasoning Ability (Moderate – Lengthy)

The following were the types of puzzles and seating arrangement questions asked-

There were a total of 4 sets of puzzles and seating arrangement:

  • Month Based Puzzle- Jan to Apr- 1 variable
  • Day Based-
  • Linear- Two lines- 5 person each- N-S
Topic No. of Questions Level
Puzzles and Seating Arrangement 20 Moderate to lengthy
Direction 4 Moderate
Syllogism 3 Easy to Moderate
Blood Relation 3 Moderate
Order & Ranking Based 5 Moderate
Total 35 Moderate 

All the best of upcoming exams!!