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Daily Vocabulary for Bank Exams: 24th April 2019


Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. In the recently concluded Banking Exams, we witnessed that a major part of the exam was based on vocabulary. Many questions were vocab based and we can expect the same in the upcoming exams. It becomes very important to learn ample amount of words for the upcoming Government Job Exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List . Here is a list of words from daily Editorials. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list.

1.INHIBITION (noun) नियंत्रण
Meaning: the act of stopping or slowing down a process.
Synonyms: hindrance, obstruction, impediment, suppression.
Antonyms: impetus, incentive, aid, assistance.
Usage: In spite of a history of work inhibition, these students frequently have good academic knowledge and skills.

2. STIMULATE (verb) प्रोत्साहित करना
Meaning: encourage or arouse interest or enthusiasm in.
Synonyms: rejuvenate, resurrect, resuscitate, revitalize.
Antonyms: enervate, enfeeble, exhaust, fatigue.
Usage: The fraternity hosted a massive party over the summer to stimulate interest in their house and increase membership.

3. INHERENT (adjective) निहित
Meaning: existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.
Synonyms: intrinsic, innate, fundamental, basic.
Antonyms: superficial, exterior, extraneous, extrinsic.
Usage: Even as a youngster, Janice showed she had an inherent talent to be a great singer.

4. LAUREATE (noun) पुरस्कार विजेता
Meaning: a person who is honored with an award for outstanding creative or intellectual achievement.
Synonyms: distinguished, victor, significant, glorious.
Antonyms: dishonorable, inglorious, insignificant, infamous.
Usage: Disease experts say the drugs developed by Monday’s Nobel laureates have had a major impact.

5. UNLEASH (verb) खोल देना
Meaning: to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled.
Synonyms: unchain, unfetter, unshackle, vent.
Antonyms: confine, enchain, fetter, bridle.
Usage: Since the owner decided to unleash her dog on the street, it was only a matter of minutes before it ran a few hundred feet in front of a car.

6. STIPULATE (verb) अनुबंध करना
Meaning: demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of an agreement.
Synonyms: specify, prescribe, enjoin, assign.
Antonyms: relinquish, surrender, yield, imply.
Usage: The software company’s policies stipulate employees must take two fifteen-minute breaks a day.

7. INCHOATE (adjective) प्रारंभिक
Meaning: just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary.
Synonyms: budding, inceptive, incipient, nascent.
Antonyms: developed, full-fledged, evolved, ripened.
Usage: If only you could come up with a complete plan and not just an inchoate idea!

8. COERCION (noun) 
Meaning: the action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.
Synonyms: force, compulsion, constraint, duress.
Antonyms: persuasion, agreement, approval, consent.
Usage: He denied he had made the confession under coercion and threat, as alleged by his father.

9. PERCOLATE (verb) टपकना
Meaning: to flow forth slowly through small openings.
Synonyms: exude, ooze, seep, strain.
Antonyms: gush, pour, stream, surge.
Usage: The water percolating through the soil may leach out minerals.

10. CONFABULATE (verb): बातचीत करना
Meaning: to talk informally
Synonyms: cackle, chat, patter, schmooze.
Antonyms: be silent, be quiet.
Usage: Guests gathered in the hallway to confabulate about the weather and make small talk.

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