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IBPS SO Cut Off 2024, Check Previous Year Cut Off Marks

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the notification for the Specialist Officer (SO) exam 2024, with the registration deadline set for 21 August 2024. As professionals gear up for this crucial exam, understanding the cut-off trends from previous years can provide significant insights and help in strategizing their preparation. While the cut-off marks for 2024 will be announced after the examination, reviewing the previous years’ cut-offs can offer a clear perspective on the expected competition and performance benchmarks.

IBPS SO Cut Off 2024

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection releases the IBPS SO Cut Off separately for each of the stages, i.e. Prelims, Mains, and Final. The Cut Off or the minimum qualifying marks will be published category-wise for each of the specific posts of Specialist Officer. There are several factors on which IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2024 depends such as the vacancies, difficulty level of the paper, and average attempts made by candidates.

IBPS SO Previous Year Cut Off Marks

Understanding the previous year’s cut-off marks is essential for candidates preparing for the IBPS SO 2024 exam, as it provides valuable insights into the exam. The cut-off marks reflect the difficulty level of the exam and the overall performance of the candidates. Reviewing these cut-offs helps in setting realistic goals and tailoring your preparation strategy to meet or exceed these benchmarks. It also aids in understanding the trends and making informed decisions about your study plan.

IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2023

IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2023-24 is the combined cut off derived from the mains exam and interview round. The final cut off marks for IBPS SO 2023 was made available on 01 April 2024 for all the candidates who participated in the recruitment drive for 1402 vacancies. Here, we have updated the IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2024 post-wise as well as category-wise.

IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2023
Posts Category
IT Officer (Scale I) 39.47 35.33 35.33 29.07 26.33
Agriculture Field Officer (Scale I) 66.67 64,33 65.33 58.27 54.53
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) 59.73 56.20 59.20 58.40 42.60
Law officer (Scale I) 55.33 57.07 66.73 51.00 NA
HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) 53.27 52.47 45.13 48.67 46.33
Marketing Officer (Scale I) 55.67 38.67 46.87 47.13 35.93

IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2024

Also Read, IBPS SO Notification 2024

IBPS SO Mains Cut Off 2023

Candidates can check category-wise and post wise IBPS SO Mains Cut Off 2023 given in the following table.

IBPS SO Mains Cut Off 2023
Posts Category
Gen SC ST OBC EWS Hearing Impaired Orthopaedically Challenged Visually Impaired Intellectual Disability
IT Officer (Scale I) 14.75 9.5 7.75 13.5 14 10.75 10.5 19 10.25
Agriculture Field Officer (Scale I) 29 27.75 23.25 29 29 25 25.25 23.5 17.75
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) 23 23 18.5 23 23 NA 25 NA NA
Law officer (Scale I) 34.5 28.5 NA 34.25 34.5 NA NA NA NA
HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) 19.5 19.5 15.5 19.5 19.5 18.75 12 10.5 36.25
Marketing Officer (Scale I) 21 16.75 16.75 16.75 21 18 17.5 23.25 18.75

IBPS SO Prelims Cut Off 2023

IBPS SO Cut Off list is an important aspect for all the candidates who appear for the IBPS SO Exam. The Cut Off signifies the minimum marks that the candidates have to meet to clear the prelims, mains, and interview rounds of the selection process. In the given section, we have discussed the category-wise IBPS SO Prelims Cut Off 2023.

IBPS SO Prelims Cut off 2023
I.T. OFFICER 52.75 42.25 54.38 49.75 54.38 14.63 37.88 23.88 21.38
AGRICULTURAL FIELD OFFICER 36.88 34.13 36.88 36.88 36.88 20.13 33.88 31.75 22.38
RAJBHASHA ADHIKARI 12.63 8.88 12.63 12.63 12.63 NA 12.25 11.13 NA
LAW OFFICER 31.63 35.63 32.5 31.88 35.63 15.5 24.75 13.88 NA
HR/PERSONNEL  39.38 39.38 39.38 39.38 39.38 24.38 26.63 22.63 47
MARKETING OFFICER 10.13 9.88 9.38 19.75 20.13 16.75 9.13 14.88 52.75

IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2022

The Final Cut Off for the recruitment of specialist officers is announced along with the result and scorecard. Aspirants can check below in the table IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2022.

IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2022
Posts Category
Gen SC ST OBC EWS Hearing Impaired Orthopaedically Challenged Visually Impaired Intellectual Disability
IT Officer (Scale I) 40.53 32.27 31.00 36.13 37.40 37.07 32.13 39.00 28.67
Agriculture Field Officer (Scale I) 63.20 55.67 50.60 62.67 61.00 48.33 59.67 56.33 50.13
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) 60.73 58.53 53.20 59.07 56.33 NA NA NA NA
Law officer (Scale I) 61.00 53.00 NA 51.60 49.93 NA NA NA NA
HR/Personnel officer (Scale I) 55.80 39.27 42.00 51.40 51.60 NA 32.60 50.33 NA
Marketing Officer (Scale I) 55.73 49.33 48.67 51.00 48.20 48.67 43.00 37.33 NA

IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2022 PDF

IBPS SO Mains Cut Off 2022

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has announced the IBPS SO Mains Cut Off for the different posts of Specialist Officer. In the given table, aspirants can check the category-wise IBPS SO Mains Cut Off 2022.

IBPS SO Mains Cut Off 2022
Posts Category
Gen SC ST OBC EWS Hearing Impaired Orthopaedically Challenged Visually Impaired Intellectual Disability
IT Officer (Scale I) 13.75 10.25 11.00 13.25 13.75 15.00 11.75 17.25 14.00
Agriculture Field Officer (Scale I) 27.50 27.00 22.25 27.50 27.50 19.75 27.00 24.50 20.75
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) 27.75 27.75 25.25 27.75 27.75 NA NA NA NA
Law officer (Scale I) 26.25 26.25 26.25 19.25 21.25 NA 17.50 16.75 18.00
HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) 21.50 16.00 12.50 20.75 21.50 NA 12.50 22.50 28.25
Marketing Officer (Scale I) 22.75 21.75 19.00 22.50 20.00 25.25 17.25 18.25 NA

IBPS SO Mains Cut Off 2022: Section Wise

In the given table, we have provided the IBPS SO Mains Section Wise Cut Off 2022.

IBPS SO Mains Section Wise Cut off 2022
POST Maximum Marks SC/ST/OBC/PWBD EWS/General
I.T. OFFICER 60 10.25 12.75
LAW OFFICER 60 16.75 21.25
HR/PERSONNEL  60 12.00 16.00
MARKETING OFFICER 60 16.00 19.50

IBPS SO Prelims Cut Off 2022

IBPS has released the cutoff for all posts under the IBPS SO Recruitment 2022. Here in the table below candidates can check the complete category-wise IBPS Cut off 2022 Category wise and post-wise also. Candidates who will meet the below-mentioned cut-off will be qualified for the IBPS SO Mains Exam.

IBPS SO Prelims Cut off 2022
I.T. OFFICER 61.88 55.88 65.00 65.00 65.00 29.13 55.88 49.13 25.50
AGRICULTURAL FIELD OFFICER 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 14. 31.75 33.38 15.75
RAJBHASHA ADHIKARI 22.50 11.13 22.50 22.38 22.50 NA 24.25 33.50 27.25
LAW OFFICER 46.38 51.00 47.50 48.50 51.00 27.63 22.88 25.50 35.25
HR/PERSONNEL  40.50 37.50 40.50 40.50 40.50 NA 27.75 47.50 50.88
MARKETING OFFICER 38.63 38.63 38.63 33.13 38.63 35.88 24.50 36.38 64.13

IBPS SO Prelims Cut Off 2021

Now let us see the category and post-wise complete IBPS SO Cut Off 2021 released by IBPS on its official website.

IBPS SO Prelims Cut Off 2021
I.T. OFFICER (SCALE I) 67.25 61.13 71.75 75.88 20.88 22.13 21.88 24.00


39.75 36 40.88 40.88 14.38 39.25 27.38 25.50


20.75 20.75 20.75 20.75 NA 12.75 38.75 NA


39.00 36.25 40.88 47.50 NA 21.88 26.50 33.00



61.00 63.00 61.88 63.00 44.75 25.63 22.25 29.88


53.00 44.88 53.75 53.75 21.13 29.88 22.13 NA

IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2021

Candidates can check IBPS SO final cut off 2021 from the table given below

IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2021
Post Category
I.T OFFICER( SCALE-1) 27.47 28.53 34.60 35.07 39.20 28.60 26.00 36.67 22.33
AGRICULTURAL FIELD OFFICER( SCALE-1) 56.67 53.00 63.47 62.00 63.87 46.00 58.87 58.07 40.07
RAJBHASHA ADHIKARI( SCALE-1) 59.40 56.33 62.33 46.27 61.00 NA 65.67 81.33 NA
LAW OFFICER (SCALE-1) 37.07 31.33 44.00 40.40 52.60 NA 51.33 26.33 NA
HR/PERSONNEL OFFICER (SCALE-1) 50.47 49.33 56.33 54.53 60.20 NA 41.47 46.00 NA
MARKETING OFFICER (SCALE-1) 49.80 46.67 50.27 42.00 54.20 27.73 41.60 40.53 28.47

IBPS SO Mains Cut Off 2021: Category Wise

Candidates can see the cut-off marks of all categories for all posts. The marks are out of 60.

Posts Category
Gen SC ST OBC EWS Hearing Impaired Orthopaedically Challenged Visually Impaired Intellectual Disability
IT Officer (Scale I) 10.50 6.25 6.25 10.25 9.50 6.25 6.25 7.25 6.50
Agriculture Field Officer (Scale I) 27.75 27.75 23.75 27.75 27.75 18.75 25.75 25.25 19.25
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) 23.25 23.25 22.25 23.25 23.25 NA 19.50 30.75 NA
Law officer (Scale I) 17.75 13.50 13.50 13.50 17.25 NA 19.50 13.75 NA
HR/Personnel officer (Scale I) 23.75 23.25 22.50 23.75 23.75 NA 16.50 18.50 25.00
Marketing Officer (Scale I) 16.25 16.25 16.25 16.25 16.25 13.00 16.75 12.50 13.25

IBPS SO Mains Cut Off 2021: Section Wise

Candidates can check the sectional-wise cut-off for all posts from the table given below.

Posts Maximum Marks Cut Off
IT Officer (Scale I) 60 6.25 9.50
Agriculture Field Officer (Scale I) 60 18.75 22.75
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) 60 18.50 23.25
Law officer (Scale I) 60 13.25 17.25
HR/Personnel officer (Scale I) 60 16.00 20.00
Marketing Officer (Scale I) 60 12.50 16.25

IBPS SO Cut Off 2021: Reserve list

Candidates can check below the IBPS SO Reserve list Cut off category wise.

IBPS SO Cut Off 2021 For Reserve List



I.T. OFFICER (SCALE-I) 26.73 28.00 34.07 34.87 38.80 24.33 24.20 35.40 18.87
AGRICULTURAL FIELD OFFICER (SCALE I) 56.33 52.53 63.07 61.73 63.27 44.40 57.40 57.27 NA
RAJBHASHA ADHIKARI (SCALE I) 59.00 52.33 61.27 45.27 60.60 NA 36.20 59.00 NA
LAW OFFICER (SCALE I) 35.87 31.00 43.60 40.00 52.07 NA 41.60 NA NA
HR/PERSONNEL OFFICER (SCALE I) 49.27 47.33 55.67 53.73 59.80 NA NA 31.67 45.73
MARKETING OFFICER (SCALE I) 49.60 44.67 50.00 41.20 53.07 NA 40.00 38.67 NA


IBPS SO Prelims Cut Off 2020: Category Wise

Candidates are advised to check the category-wise and post wise cut off of IBPS SO Prelims 2020 from the table provided below.

Posts IBPS SO Prelims Cut Off 2020
Gen SC ST OBC EWS Hearing Impaired Orthopaedically Challenged Visually Impaired Intellectual Disability
IT Officer Scale 1 66.38 66.25 54.63 66.38 64.50 30.00 55.88 30.00 24.25
Agriculture Field Officer 21.25 21.25 21.25 21.25 21.25 13.50 24.13 13.88 23.63
Rajbhasha Adhikari 20.13 19.88 17.25 20.13 18.00 17.25 11.13 54.13 NA
Law officer (Scale 1) 42.38 40.25 33.00 42.00 34.63 NA 24.75 36.50 35.25
HR/Personnel officer Scale 1 40.50 40.50 40.50 40.50 38.75 27.75 38.00 30.38 39.50
Marketting Officer 24.00 24.00 23.63 24.00 24.00 25.13 14.63 19.50 14.88

IBPS SO Cut Off 2020: Section Wise

Candidates are advised to check detailed section-wise and category-wise cut-offs in the table provided below.

IT Officer

Candidates can check the complete subject-wise and category-wise cutoff for the post of IT Officer in the given table below.

IBPS SO Cut Off 2020
Section Maximum Marks Cut Off
English Language 25 7.75 10.25
Reasoning Section 25 5.75 10.00
Quantitative Aptitude/General Awareness 50 8.50 13.25

Agriculture Field Officers Scale 1

Here in the given table candidates can check the subject-wise and category-wise cut-off for the post of Agriculture Field Officer.

Section Maximum Marks Cut Off
English Language 25 2.50 4.75
Reasoning Section 25 3.25 6.50
Quantitative Aptitude/General Awareness 50 5.25 9.00

Law Officers (Scale 1)

Here in the given table candidates can check the subject-wise and category-wise cut-off for the post of Law Officer.

Section Maximum Marks Cut Off
English Language 25 7.75 10.00
Reasoning Section 25 5.75 10.00
Quantitative Aptitude/General Awareness 50 3.00 5.75

Rajbhasha Adhikari Scale 1

Here in the given table, we have provided the cut-off for the post of Rajbhasha Adhikari  Scale I.

Section Maximum Marks Cut Off
English Language 25 5.00 7.75
Reasoning Section 25 1.50 5.75
Quantitative Aptitude/General Awareness 50 1.00 3.00

HR/Personnel Officer Scale 1

Here in the given table, we have provided the cut-off for the post of HR/Personnel Officer Scale 1.

Section Maximum Marks Cut Off
English Language 25 6.25 9.00
Reasoning Section 25 3.75 8.00
Quantitative Aptitude/General Awareness 50 6.00 11.00

Marketing Officer Scale 1

Candidates can check the Marketing Officer Cut off in the table below.

Section Maximum Marks Cut Off
English Language 25 5.00 7.75
Reasoning Section 25 1.50 5.75
Quantitative Aptitude/General Awareness 50 3.50 8.50

IBPS SO Prelims Sectional Cut Off 2020

Below are the post-wise sectional cut-offs for the IBPS SO Prelims exam that was conducted on 26th & 27th December 2020:

IT Officer (Scale-I)

The IT Officer Scale 1 prelim exam consists of 3 sections which are the English language, reasoning, and general awareness section. Candidates can check the section-wise and category-wise cut-off of IBPS SO IT Officer Scale 1 cut-off marks from the table below.

S.No Name of Test Maximum Marks Cut-off
1 English Language 25 6.00 8.75
2 Reasoning 50 5.00 9.00
3 General Awareness 50 7.00 11.00


The prelims exam of agricultural field officers also consists of the 3 sections. The overall category-wise and section-wise cut-off marks is provided in the table below.

Sr.No Name of Test Maximum Marks


1 English Language 25 2.75 5.25
2 Reasoning 50 2.50 5.50
3 General Awareness 50 5.75 9.75


The cut-off of rajbhasha Adhikari(scale 1) was 6, 5, and 7 for the unreserved candidates for all three sections. Candidates can check the table below to get detailed information related to the cut-off.

Sr.No Name of Test Maximum Marks Cut Off
1 English Language 25 3.50 6.00
2 Reasoning 50 1.25 5.00
3 General Awareness 50 3.75 7.00


Candidates can check the section-wise and category-wise cut-off of IBPS SO Law officer Scale 1 cut-off marks from the table below.

Sr.No Name of Test Maximum Marks Cut Off
1 English Language 25 4.75 7.50
2 Reasoning 50 3.00 7.50
3 General Awareness 50 5.50 8.50


The below table highlights the category-wise and section wise cut off marks for IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer(Scale 1)

Sr.No Name of Test Maximum Marks Cut Off
1 English Language 25 6.00 8.75
2 Reasoning 50 5.00 9.00
3 General Awareness 50 7.00 11.00


Candidates can check the section-wise and category-wise cut-off of IBPS SO Marketing Officer Scale 1 cut-off marks from the table below.

Sr.No Name of Test Maximum Marks Cut Off
1 English Language 25 6.00 8.75
2 Reasoning 50 5.00 9.00
3 General Awareness 50 7.00 11.00


When will IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2024 be released?

IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2024 will be released along with the score card on the official website of IBPS after the release of result.

Is IBPS SO Cut Off 2024 published category-wise?

Yes, IBPS SO Cut Off 2024 for mains exam has been published category-wise for each of the posts of Specialist Officer.

What are the factors on which IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2024 depends?

The factors on which IBPS SO Final Cut Off 2024 depends are vacancies, difficulty level of the paper, and average attempts made by the candidates.

Where can I get the IBPS SO Previous Year Cut Off?

IBPS SO Previous Year Cut Off has been discussed in the given article for Prelims, Mains, and Final.