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Basic English Grammar Rules Of Conditionals Sentences

The English Language is one of the most important section in banking exams and Conditionals Sentences is an extremely important topic. Conditional sentences are statements discussing known factors or hypothetical situations and their consequences. You cannot score marks in this section until you are well-versed in grammatical rules. You can never cram the rules, you can only practice them. One of the most important topics from which questions are asked is Conditional sentences,so in this article, we will covering the basic English Grammar rules of conditional sentences so you can be able to solve the questions related to conditional sentences.

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What Is Conditional Sentences?

Conditional sentences are also known as conditional clauses or “If clauses”.  They are used to denote that ‘the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled.

Ex- You will succeed provided you work hard

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The Following Words Are used to introduce the condition of a sentence:

  • If
  • Provided
  • As soon as
  • No sooner than
  • Unless
  • Until
  • When

Conditional sentences have two parts: 

  1. If clause
  2. Main Clause

Example- If i have enough money, i will go to japan.

Here from “If” to “Money” is If clause while “I” to “Japan” is main clause.

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Conditional sentences is of three types:

  1. When “If clause” is in present tense
  2. When “If clause” is in Past Tense
  3. When “If clause” is in Past Perfect Tense

Rules related to When “If clause” is in present tense

General Formula: If+ Simple present, Simple Future

Rule 1– In such sentence, ” If Clause” is in simple present tense and the mains clause is in simple future tense.

Example– If i will find address, i will send her an invitation.

Rule 2- If two action take place one after other in future, and if the second action depends on the first action, the first action is in simple present tense and the second action is in simple future tense.

Example– If will help him provided he will mends his ways ( Incorrect))

I will help provided he mends his ways ( Correct)

Rule 3- In the above sentence, ” Will, shall, Would” will not come with the part that consist If, as soon as, provided, before, after, Until, Unless, In case, When and Lest.

Not is not used with untill/unless”

In conditional sentences, Will/Shall not be used with when.

Example- There will be rush at the platform when the train will arrive ( Incorrect)

There will rush at the platform when the train arrives ( Correct)

If ‘ If clause’ is in past tense:

General Formula: IF+ Simple Past, Subject+ Would + Verb (1) 

Example– If I had money, would lend it you

3. If ‘ If clause’ is in Past Perfect Tense

General Formula: IF+Past Perfect Tense, Subject+ Would + Have+ Verb (3)

Example- If I had seen you, I could have stopped my car

In such sentences, We can also replace If with had this will not change the meaning of the sentence.

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Three Important Formula:

  1.  If+ Present Indefinite, Simple Future
  2. If+ S+ V (2), S+ Would + V(1)
  3. If+ S+ Had+V (3), S+ Would +Have +V (3)

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Basic English Grammar Rules of Conditionals Sentences_3.1

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